
Goddammit, people, Higher Learning! Higher Learning!

Ah, shit, yeah, I gotta agree with this. Shamefully, but…yes.

No, Sir, you are not the only such retard.

Two times, once on my birthday here in Austin for the Check Your Head tour. Second encore was just "Shadrach". (Second time I saw them was Lollapalooza—still awesome but muted by the bloated nature of that event.)

I love your body, Larry.

What's with that title?
It pisses me off for some reason. Because it invites bad jokes? Because it *knows* it invites bad jokes?

…this plot actually sounds clever.

Computers, too. Every time you touch a key they make a little sound.

Back on the Suresh topic—seems to me rather than The Fly, he might be following the Spider-man pattern, skipping right to the advanced spiderfication that happened to Peter Parker in the comic and, I think, also the 90s cartoon. Remember how he grew four more arms, and that was cool for a bit, but then he went all

Exactly! I was born right in 1970, so I really consider myself a child of the 70s, but I hadn't before heard of anyone else, including the people I grew up with, having the same feeling about the 70s atmosphere.

The Ancient 1970s
"…the vivid, playful, informative, multi-cultural '70s I grew up in—or that I least saw every afternoon on Sesame Street."

On potential: Strange Luck.

"There's a PENGUIN flying the plane!

I would have liked more dip on Star Trek, too, but I really appreciate his gushing description of working on the project. That's just perfect.

Whoa—that shit is odd.

The new Tolerability Index always seems to show up…
…at exactly the same time as the new Savage Love.

If you hit a droid three times you would slice him into *four* pieces.

While y'alls are (correctly, it turns out…?) guessing that The Awesome NPH will be Wednesday's interviewee, I would like to point out that The Music Man is the finest musical ever made.


The X-Files was still great. Mostly.