Donald McCarthy

Thanks, man!

I'm going to have look for that.

The two new Star Trek films aren't great, but you're right about them being miles better than what came before them.

IIRC, Brackett's script was completely rewritten as she passed away very early into the process.

Glad to see Jason Clarke getting more work. He did stellar work in the very, very underrated Brotherhood.

The hand gestures in this scene are so creepy, from Leland calmly putting on the gloves to BOB beckoning Maddie to come at him.

Good point. This guy seems much better at putting an argument together than the rest of the FOX News people; he doesn't deserve to be lumped in with them.

Yeah, I took it to be a heroin withdrawal, too.

That's definitely true and some of the "ugh, boobs" is classic American puritanism, but they do film the topless women in a different fashion than they do the topless men. I love BE but this is a significant flaw.

We did get some nice ab shots of Chalky but this show could do with leveling out the nudity a bit.

I've always enjoyed Margaret's plots. Never really understood the hate.

That's phenomenal while also being slightly creepy. Perfect for The X-Files.

Abrams. Blood + Lens Flare = Oscar

I've been rewatching The X-Files lately and I'm once again reminded how much of it is shockingly good and innovative.

I think you'll like her in this episode. Her scene with Nucky was fantastic.

I was expecting her to go, "God, a Don Draper monologue?!"

I'm pretty sure we were supposed to be uncomfortable with Chalky's advances on Daughter. I don't think the show was playing that as something normal.

That was awesome. I loved how they played up their Mulder and Scullyness.

Not to mention Rawls' line when he found out about them.

I have high hopes for tonight's Boardwalk Empire. The seasons also start slowly and then explode. This was the last one sent out to critics, IIRC, so I'm imagining they'd end that on a high note.