Donald McCarthy

"Few betting men would wager on Ben Affleck being the highlight of a movie…"

I thought there were some really satisfying scenes but I don't know that it added up as well as it could've. Last ten minutes were the weakest, I thought (after Jesse killed Todd). The more I think about it, though, the more I'm convinced they set up a circumstance that was difficult to write anything other than this.

I like how Metebelis 3 is this ongoing storyline in the background that comes to fruition in Pertwee's last episode. Kinda cool.

Of course not. This is the way we're supposed to go.

No, Sean is spoiling the finale. Breaking Bad's finale WILL kill us.

Yes. The first season is a little weaker but seasons two and three are very, very good.

I think the show is great, myself. The show usually does begin a little too slowly each year but seasons two and three were damn good and I think the idea of racial politics could make season four great, too. I'm eager to see how it plays out.

He clearly put a lot of thought into these answers. It's not like he needs to work on anything else, though.

I had a similar dream, one where the finale was really mediocre and the characters didn't act at all like themselves. It was also really padded. It was kinda like the BSG finale.

Catwoman blowing away Bane was the big issue for me in TDKR, a film I otherwise loved. Not only did it seem to piss on the idea of Batman not killing, it was also incredibly lazy.

When you ignore the stuff they're just saying to sell the show, it's interesting how much is in there that came true. They even talk about the Dharma Initiative and the experiments it did albeit not by name. I think this is why most of the mysteries from one and two hold up while seasons three is a little shakier

I started getting a little emotional when the show's main theme came on over the ending moments when the cops stormed the bar.

Now that would've been some exceptional casting. Not that Forester wasn't awesome but Gandolfini would've been great.


Turlough, Ace, Fitz, and Donna are my favorites. I liked Turlough because there was real tension between him and the Doctor which turned into a friendship but in a natural way. It's not talked about much, but their relationship is one of the highpoints of Davison's run for me.

Great interview. He comes across as a damn smart, interesting guy.

Anytime Frank Booth said fuck in Blue Velvet was gold. My favorite was about the beer: "No, I want to fuck it. Fuck yes, pour the fucking beer!"

I think the premise goes beyond just that, though. The premise is also about the character of Patrick Bateman (or lack thereof) and he's infinitely more fascinating than any of the serial killers on other shows (I haven't watched Hannibal yet, admittedly).

This is the first serial killer show I've read about in a while that actually sounds good in premise. American Psycho was never about the serial killer mindset; Bateman was a representation of an entire group of people, not a study on what's wrong with serial killers. The show might end up sucking but I think the

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