Donald McCarthy

Rowan's writing doesn't need to mature. The Republican Party that has tried to revoke Obamacare 40 times does. Get back to us when the party isn't full on insane

I get why Hank would be so shitty to Jesse. He just heard the kid's confession and a lot of that confession makes Jesse look pretty shitty, such as gunning down Gale. I doubt he has much compassion for Jesse since he hasn't seen his life the way we have.

He isn't anymore, IIRC. Said he wasn't sure how that happened.


This is one of those bits of news that you get in the morning and know will overshadow the rest of the day. It's a real loss since the man never stopped writing; he kept going right until the end.

They get one million viewers for their shows most of the time. That's an incredibly small percentage of people. There's a lot of other awful and lazy new reporting out there that people don't realize. Everyone who isn't a Fox News viewer knows the channel is a sick joke.

I liked Oliver a lot more than Stewart. Colbert is the gold standard for me but Stewart has grated on me a lot over the past few years. He goes to the "LOL Fox News!" well waaaaay too often. We know Fox News is stupid. Constantly showing them makes them more relevant. Do it occasionally and it'd be much more

I was 18 when Michael Clayton came out and didn't like it. Was I being a stupid 18 year old and should check this film out again?

There's never been a more hilarious/scary president than LBJ. A great biopic of that guy is sorely needed.

I think the good cops do win but it's not a clean win. Real wins rarely are. The Shield has always portrayed an ugly world and has never looked away. Look at the homophobia Acevada faces after his race. The show doesn't feel the need to go, "See how bad homophobia is?" Instead, it expects you to understand it because

The Tavon scene where he starts crying is excruciating. The Strike Team has done worse but this brings it home on an emotional level.

Well said. What I find interesting is that, yeah, the show presents Vic and his group as criminals but ones who can be effective. However, the trouble they cause ends up being as bad, if not worse, than the trouble they end up stopping. This nicely contrasts with Dutch and Claudette's stories. I've heard people

When you consider how much Luck broke away from that, even when its main character was a mobster, I feel comfortable saying this won't follow the trajectory that so many lesser shows have been using.

That show was brilliant. Could've been a contender for one of the best shows of the 2010s if it lasted.

Norris has always been great and never gets enough recognition. This episode definitely had him at his finest, though.

She's pretty awesome.

I'll have to make sure I always read these.

The show definitely treated the Iraq war as something wrong but the season isn't a metaphor in the same way The Wire's third season is. That said, I don't have a problem with Nowalk addressing it as it's certainly something on the writers' minds this season.

That fact really shows the difference between The Shield and Sons of Anarchy.

I got mentioned!