Donald McCarthy

I'm very proud!

Todd's Sopranos reviews might be the best writing on the site full stop, albeit it's a different beast than much of the AV Club writing.

I think Molly should do Sopranos reviews as she goes through the show. The hole in my life that formed when Todd finished his run has never been filled.

Either an A or an A-. I think this was my favorite premiere so far although season two's comes close. I do think the episode should've ended on Boyd's "I'm evil" face as he left the door instead of leaving in doubt whether Paxton is alive.

That was last week.

To hell with Monica, Sawyer, and Six. Boyd Crowder's hair is where it's at.

Holloway should clearly be the lead in Killer Women in this case.

I watched that in a film class and we had to end early because the professor was crying at the conclusion.

This is an amazing film. Really packs an emotional punch and Takashi Shimura's performance is amazing- the man has range. Of the Kurosawa films I've seen, this one is probably my favorite.

That sucks. I've seen him in a lot of things and he's always been a reliable character actor.

I think the idea of farting aliens actually isn't a bad one. The idea of the heads of states being giggling aliens who are amused by fart sounds while the world is about to be destroyed is pretty potent and you can do some stuff with that. Unfortunately, no one seemed to figure out one vision for it and when you're

I love Shea Wigham, as well. I think he's done a phenomenal job at making a character who could be extremely unlikeable sympathetic. He doesn't get huge emotional moments and yet does so much anyway.

I found that really heartbreaking, too.

I thought aliens disguised as farting politicians was both hilarious and oddly disturbing. I like that two parter.

I didn't mind Reyes, and sometimes I actually quite liked her, but it's always important to point out that Annabeth Gish is an utterly phenomenal actress- check out Brotherhood.

Okay, hold on a second here. So the teacher put on Straw Dogs, having no idea what the hell it was about and then decided to play the rest of it on day two? Like, the teacher didn't think, "Maybe I shouldn't show the rest of this?" Just said, "Eh, fuck it; I mean, we already started!"

You're not supposed to name names, man!

I was ridiculously amused by Dr. Narcisse mouthing along with the actors, clearly so very moved by his terrible play. The fact that he's a failed playwright is just a magnificent little character trait.

AA Dowd supplied the correct answer.

I always suspected Yoda was a racist.