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    I have to say, as a non-American, this sort of language censorship in non-children's television seems bizarre to me. I don't understand the demented logic that makes it ok to make a show about, say, murderous drug dealers, but not for said drug dealers to say a word like 'fuck' that most of us say, or at least hear,

    True, but what annoyed me about it wasn't really that it was magic, magic's fine if I know I'm meant to be suspending disbelief about it. What made it unsatisfying to me was that the clone machine was something the audience didn't know to be possible* in the film's world. It's like a murder mystery where the

    Prestige spoilers:

    What's odd is that there was actually a (otherwise pointless) shot of the security camera in the car park, as if to draw attention to that. Also, come to think of it, at what point of his concussion-induced stupor did he put the dead girl in the car's boot? He must have been driving around central London with a corpse

    They should make an alternate ending where no-one gets murdered and they just have an uneventful road trip. That would genuinely be preferable to the repellant final act.

    It seems like they've shifted focus to the story (particularly relationships) over jokes, which seems to go down a treat with most of the internet, but I find it  pretty dull. I think I laughed once this episode, which is a far cry from the really funny stretches in seasons 2/3.

    It seems like they've shifted focus to the story (particularly relationships) over jokes, which seems to go down a treat with most of the internet, but I find it  pretty dull. I think I laughed once this episode, which is a far cry from the really funny stretches in seasons 2/3.

    I totally agree. Parks and Rec hasn't really done anything to make me care about Ben and Leslie as a couple, particularly as they're both much less interesting characters when together, and their getting married just feels like a plot box being checked. Good Simpsons earned its sentimental moments, this just felt like

    I totally agree. Parks and Rec hasn't really done anything to make me care about Ben and Leslie as a couple, particularly as they're both much less interesting characters when together, and their getting married just feels like a plot box being checked. Good Simpsons earned its sentimental moments, this just felt like

    I'm particularly surprised at people liking the Ben/April plot. It seemed like total filler, especially the awkward 'LOOK WE BONDED' ending. I thought that and 'an attractive female character talking to Ron = relationship' were seriously predictable in a way that this show doesn't need to be.

    I'm particularly surprised at people liking the Ben/April plot. It seemed like total filler, especially the awkward 'LOOK WE BONDED' ending. I thought that and 'an attractive female character talking to Ron = relationship' were seriously predictable in a way that this show doesn't need to be.

    I agree with pretty much everything you both wrote. As with real people, sometimes you recognise that the characters are being stupid or selfish, but you ultimately like them regardless. I think it's an impressive, entertaining show and I don't understand why it attracts so much vitriol.

    I agree with pretty much everything you both wrote. As with real people, sometimes you recognise that the characters are being stupid or selfish, but you ultimately like them regardless. I think it's an impressive, entertaining show and I don't understand why it attracts so much vitriol.

    I thought she was funny in the earlier seasons, as a fairly accurate 'sullen teenager' archetype, but it seems like they've tried to make her more likeable lately and created something weird. Like a normal character who incongruously spouts misanthropic bullshit every so often.

    What's the reasoning behind spreading articles like this over multiple pages?

    This is purely speculation, but it'd be cool if the base game was just Los Santos, and they added the other two cities in DLC, like the two DLC packs that IV got.

    I think 'YEAH WELL YOU HATE FUN' is a pretty lame defence. I saw the Dark Knight and it was entertaining, but I did wonder why adults were making and watching a movie with such a childish premise.

    Yep. I live in Australia, and we have the same situation where we're constantly a few years behind the US, and never for technical reasons, always for licensing bullshit. Music's ok but, for movies and tv shows, piracy is sadly almost always the best option.

    I found this a bit conflicting. It was really well made and there was a lot to like, but it did feel a bit too neat. I think ending the show on that image in episode 11 of Walt trapped in his basement, facing inevitable death would have been really impressive, whereas this was like 'oh, everything has been neatly