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    If we're doing tv, the original Office fits. They only made 14 episodes, but it had a big effect on cringe humour and the mockumentary format.

    That seems like a bit of an extreme conclusion. I don't think it's a particularly well-known term outside of this site.

    (i'm opn4buttness but disqus isn't working with twitter)

    what's worse is the divide between illegal and legal services, particularly with tv. illegally you can get shows within a few hours of their american airings, legally the best you can hope for is that it'll be shown a few months later on premium cable. i know it must be hard to deal with licensing and whatnot, but if

    it's a similar idea, a) but the selection of movies is unimpressive, b) you need Telstra broadband, c) it's $908 and requires a 12 month contract, d) i don't think there's any way of getting monthly unlimited movies.

    america really takes this stuff for granted.
    the rest of the world doesn't have netflix but somehow manages to continue consuming culture.

    This is a relatively minor complaint about a good show, but I can't help feeling like Breaking Bad would be better on HBO or some other channel that didn't restrict its content. The scene where Hank went 'WHAT THE FU- ok I'll make a call" felt really artificial, like cops and murderers and drug dealers

    It reminded me of Somewhere too, I wonder if that was a deliberate reference. I thought the 'hellish meth-house' scene that followed was over-the-top, though. The 'loud music as Jesse silently looks depressed' scenes are an ok idea, but I don't think they've been executed particularly well.

    i feel like some commenters really fail to realise that the writers are real people and this is their job. anonymity makes people think they can write crazy, insulting bullshit with no consequences (because they can), but they don't realise how personally offensive they're being.

    It's not legally broadcasted to 6.5 billion of the world's 6.9 billion though.