Michael T Sweeney

"Motivational Rocker"
The original AV Club interview of AWK is maybe the greatest thing I've ever read. Fifteen pages or so, and only 3 questions are asked. He's like a manic depressive who's always manic.

This Review - Wrong
I completely agree with just sayin' above, but I would like to add that the new album is one of the best of the year, in my opinion. An album that is both listenable from start to finish and full of individually great songs — what more do you want? Any album where an amazing song like the

What About
Movies that were released earlier in the year? Early releases have had some recent Oscar success and there seem to be some that could make some noise in key categories. Rescue Dawn comes to mind, featuring both a popular, well -respected, yet-thus-far-unstatued actor playing a "loses 50 pounds and eats

I hope they
Make a Resident Evil Movie based on the racist new Playstation 3 incarnation that has your Aryan avatar going to a Haitian village to dispatch armies of black zombies. That'll play well with the idiot gamer demo, if the racist chatter heard on Xbox Live is any indication.

Opening Acts
It's hard for even good bands to work as opening acts these days. People who go to concerts in the internet age tend to be close-minded about acts they haven't heard of, at least in my experience. For example, about a year ago, when I saw the Black Keys, the Black Angels opened for them. I had never

Let this man be a lesson to all young filmmakers
Make money and no matter how bad you suck, you can keep making movies. Uwe Boll has released turd after turd, and yet keeps getting to make movies. Why? He figured out a way to make a movie for $5-10 million that can get a wide release and earn the money back.

You're not doing a Top 10 this year? What will we have to argue about without year-end Top 10s?

A Sim
Shouldn't be nearly as difficult as the actual activity. A videogame that is as hard as actually skateboarding begs the question: why not actually skateboard?

Wow Looks Like
The millions of dollars worth of ubiquitous advertising here worked. Looks like your weekend take might be able to pay for about half of that 80ft billboard on Park Ave. Good job, Hollywood!

"Show-Stopping Busywork"
I can't wait for my roommate to finally cave and buy a Wii, so I can play shit like this. When's the Mario game coming out?

EA - You're doing it wrong
So you make your sports simulations so easy to play and dumbed down that they play nothing like the sports they're meant to represent, but you make your SKATING game punishingly realistic? Is there a genre that lends itself to Lowest-Common-Denominator dumbing down more?

I Don't Buy It
1997? Really?

The record industry should freely license videos/songs for play. They're promotional tools anyway, why charge to play them? They should be handing out DVDs on street corners. If there was royalty-free music video play, 10 digital cable channels and 100 internet video channels would pop up overnight. They

Starship Troopers
I think it's made clear in the movie hwo the bugs are able to survive despite being on a desert planet:

Canadian Bacon
You're not serious, are you? Tell me you're not serious.

Canadian Bacon
You're not serious, are you? Tell me you're not serious.

David Cross
Should host the Oscars. If that wouldn't be must-see-TV what would be?

Could mean anything. Who knows, maybe she's preggers and doesn't want the publicity?

Jon Bonham
Must be puking in his grave.

Get drunker next time. You'll like it.