Michael T Sweeney

Really? Cause I saw them play like a week ago. Great show.

Why not do the end-of-Raging Bull fattening up instead? Fat Captain America has to get his ass back in shape to save the world! Who wouldn't want to watch that?

Great Article by Mechner
Not sure who else saw this, but earlier this year, Prince of Persia creator Jordan Mechner wrote a great article (http://www.electronicbookre… on the writing in PoP: Sands of Time. It's by far the most thoughtful article I've ever read on game design.

Who's To Say?
I can't speak much to the merits of the band, but one thing I will affirm is that The Whites Stripes cover of their song "Who's to Say?" may be the best studio recording they've ever done. It's a shame it was a B-side, everyone should hear it.

I love this. The threading literally improves the comments section about 300%.

The Idiots at DHS
Would probably just up transcode it anyway.

All of these are very right
Except for the Hughes Brothers and the Dead. These are very wrong. May they rest in peace.

Interesting Thought
I bet anything that the lack of a Baltimore-based David Simon show will drive up real estate prices there. With the Wire on, everyone I know is terrified of the city.

No Grade
Hopefully a trend.

Seinfeld is the man, and the show was better without David
I'd like to believe that Seinfeld is doing lame shit like this because he was tempted by a huge pile of money with no work involved, not because he actually thinks it's great stuff.

Halo 3
A game that would be mediocre if released on PC gets accolades because its the best console FPS around. In my opinion, Halo 2 and 3 are basically the AOL of multiplayer first person shooters. Easy for outsiders to get into, but once they realize they're riding with training wheels, will ditch it for a more

I probably could've gone the rest of my life without knowing that and been perfectly happy. Being forced to picture Christopher Hitchens getting a bikini wax is definitive proof that "God is not Great."

Well, I assume there's at least one hospital in Delaware these days?

I hope you have all your stuff ripped as .flac, Keith. If you've traded your beautiful CDs for 128CBR mp3s, you sir, are a fool.

AV Club Phrase of the Year
"These guys make the Xbox Live crowd sound like the Algonquin round table."

List should be one item long

The AV Club is possibly dorkier than real AV Clubs.

Secret Success?
Really? The Scout? I'm not a huge Al Brooks fan to begin with, but this one felt even more mediocre than his standard output.

Morgan Freeman
Is a magical black man.