Michael T Sweeney

Couldn't get into this album
But maybe I'll give it another chance.

Puny Man-Animals!
I saw this way back when, after a few bonghits, and let me say, this (besides Mindhunters, which I hope Nathan also covers) is the holy grail of unintentional hilarity. It's literally a must see. Go get some illegal substances and rent it today!

Great Review
But I wish it was longer. It seems like every conversation about this album has to start and end with its inspiration, when as Andy so adeptly points out, "it couldn't sound less beholden to the source material."

Good album
But I can't help feeling that it's just like Sung Tongs and Feels without being better than them. A lot of people are talking about Strawberry Jam as the album of the year, when to me, it isn't even the best Animal Collective project of the year (Panda Bear - Person Pitch being a lot more interesting).

Saw these guys
And they were awesome. Not a fan of their studio stuff, but go see them if they play around you.

Saw them a few months ago
And as I recall, their keyboardist is real hot. Otherwise they didn't make a huge impression on me (though maybe I just need to stop going to shows quite so piss drunk)

Assn. of Jesse James
I think this may have too much superficially in common with Legends of the Fall for me to enjoy.

Re: White "Indie" Rappers
Say what you will about Aesop Rock, Sage Francis is infinitely more symptomatic of annoying white college rappers. That prick reminds me of every annoying faux-intellectual I hated in college.

iPhones that can't make phone calls on the way.

Aes Rock
I have this friend who does this Aesop Rock impression. It's basically him doing a gravelly voiced rap and making up gibberish off the top of his head, stuff alone the lines of "and then the trees birthed rabbits and they swam in the silver sea" or something like that. Look, I'm sure he's put a lot of

I wasn't that into these guys until I downloaded an instrumental version of Myths of the Near Future. I wouldn't say its an improvement on the actual album, but I gained a new appreciation of their composition and playing style from it. I highly recommend checking it out, or at least giving the album a

Whatever they'll pay you, it's not enough. That's sweet.

Andy Dick
Indirectly got Phil Hartman killed. He's a dick.

Harvard Study
A Harvard economist found that the optimal time for copyrights/patents to be enforced is 14 years. Not 14 years from the creator's death. I really don't have a problem with stifling innovation a bit to let creators control their work, but after they die, seeing their kids profit for decades off work

Should expire if you're dead and your work has been around for 10 years. Do Bob Marley's kids really need the money? Does Universal/BMG? Free Bob Marley ringtones for everyone!

It can't possibly be worse than From Hell was.

Let's stop pretending that the graphic novel 300 is any less stupid, empty and adolescent than the film adaptation. 300 wasn't a great work waiting to be defiled, but just another entry in a long line of slightly fascist, boneheaded Frank Miller books (and yes, I'm including the admittedly great "Dark Knight

Zack Snyder
Really doesn't deserve the hate. Watchmen has a disturbingly high possibility of being pretty good.

This seems flawed but awesome. "Never boring," is high praise for a genre piece indeed.

Unfilmable, but at least the casting seems okay. I'd say the jury's still out on Mr. Snyder. Is he a technically proficient uber-hack like Michael Bay, who can destroy any movie he's involved or a technically proficient wonk like David Fincher who has the ability to do good work when give a good script?