Michael T Sweeney

Mandatory Offtopic Pitchfork Bashing
Oh yeah, and fuck Pitchfork! Their reviews are full of doody and they killed Jesus.

When you put your work out there for mass consumption, you have to be willing to take extremely harsh criticism. If you aren't confident enough in your work to see a scathing bad review (everyone has gotten them, even Kubrick and the Beatles) and not believe it, then your work probably wasn't good enough to

Movie Poster
What were they going for there? The bestiality demo?

Undead Pirate Investigator
I misread the summary of Moonlight the first time as "undead PIRATE investigator." Now that's a show I would watch.

Are we as a society so stupid that we need something like this to tell whether movies are good? I hope the thumbs never return.

Did I miss something
Or did at no point in all this did Noel express an interest in actually learning to play guitar?

Worth every penny
Assuming they can actually get them to start writing the episodes more than a week before they air. Seems like the show would be better if it wasn't so thrown together at the last minute.

Why doesn't someone go out there and make a GOOD movie about backyard wrestling, if this guy's crappy movie is still so compelling? I smell an opportunity for doc-makers.

If we elect Ron Paul, this is what will happen? Better get a diving suit while you can.

Mitt Romney
Has gotta be hoping this movie tanks.

Too cool for me
Bioshock looks pretty cool. Too bad my computer can't handle it, because my video card isn't "100% directx9.0 compatible" (though its plenty powerful, and my computer meets all the other system requirements). Thankfully, in a month or so, Half Life Episode 2 comes out, produced by a company that

Not as bad as I want
The Iron Giant poseable figurine.

A Final-Fantasy-Tactics-type game as PSP killer app? I'm still not on board here.

Buy a real guitar, Noel!
I started learning to play about 6 months ago, and it's one of the best decisions I've ever made (even though my roommate sort of hates me). Its surprising how quickly you'll be able to play some simple tunes (especially with power chords), and surprised how difficult some songs will be

Canned Laughter
That's dead on though about the audience being annoying but the CREW being pleasurable to hear, at least in some contexts. For excellent examples, look at both Countdown on MSNBC and The Soup on E. For some reason, a couple crew members laughing off camera is way more compelling than a studio full of

3 Camera Sitcom
I just spent all summer in a film class where we did nothing but 3 camera shoots. Let me correct you by saying it is a style wholly without merit and a giant pain in the ass, and will hopefully die a final death when "How I met your mother" goes off the air in a few years.

Best Thing About Any Alda Interview
It's impossible to read this without imagining it being read out loud by him. I love it.

The Tom Green Show
Was really funny. As other commenters have noted, maybe it was because I was 14 at the time, but I thought it was one of the funniest things on TV. The dude drinking coffee in the back of the set cracks me up just thinking about it.

Basically, this show could be MXC, but with huge guys whacking normal guys with foam bats on top of that. I strongly support this idea.

Jeff Quigley
I like the "stop Pitchfork from writing reviews" end of your plan a lot. Let's make that happen, even if we don't do the rest of your plan.