Michael T Sweeney

Wikipedia has a nice article (hurry up, its a candidate for deletion!) about the long and storied history of first posts. Annoying tendency or clever allusion to the legacy of the internet? We report, you decide: http://en.wikipedia.org/wik…

You know, I actually sort of have a soft spot for the "first post" thing. It was amusing because
1) It seemed like it happened on literally EVERY story
2) "First post!" is a relic of the golden early days of the internet, and I hadn't seen it in a while
3) A lot of times, the commenter was able to say something

Exactly. One of my favorite reviews ever on the AV Club was for the movie "Mindhunters" which pretty much exactly summed up the movie, its awfulness and its enormous appeal. How you could arrive at a letter grade after a review like that would baffle me. Some movies just don't fit on a linear scale.

Mandatory OffTopic Pitchfork Bashing
Though, let me say, the whole grades thing is like a thousand times better than Pitchfork's fucking 0.0-10.0 scale. Yeah, like anyone could be like "oh, sure it was a 7.4, but a 7.5? That's crazy!" Honestly, the fuck is wrong with those people?