
C+?  This was not just A-grade IASIP, it was A-grade comedy in general.  Just an example: Rob McElhenney's subtle touches of physical comedy (his dancing during the 'we got your wallet' song, cheersing at the Phillies game with no beer, holding Dennis and Dee back when entering the golf club before letting them

C+?  This was not just A-grade IASIP, it was A-grade comedy in general.  Just an example: Rob McElhenney's subtle touches of physical comedy (his dancing during the 'we got your wallet' song, cheersing at the Phillies game with no beer, holding Dennis and Dee back when entering the golf club before letting them

I would add that LW1 consider making sure rich guy levels with his wife too before saying she'll engage in acknowledged sexy times with him for money…if he's kept this a secret it's probably cause his wife would consider it cheating, and might therefore consider LW a homewrecking hooker if she goes through with it

I would add that LW1 consider making sure rich guy levels with his wife too before saying she'll engage in acknowledged sexy times with him for money…if he's kept this a secret it's probably cause his wife would consider it cheating, and might therefore consider LW a homewrecking hooker if she goes through with it

I was wondering that too…killing other vampires/werewolves doesn't count cause she wouldn't feel as guilty about that as killing a human (like Connor).  When has she killed a human?

I was wondering that too…killing other vampires/werewolves doesn't count cause she wouldn't feel as guilty about that as killing a human (like Connor).  When has she killed a human?

Yeah, it seems like just a fun side gig for them, as opposed to some other shows where the judges have very obvious, pressing agendas (i.e. staying relevant, presenting their personae to America, pleasing the producers to get their contracts renewed, etc). 

No comment about the god-awful Goody Mob performance?  I thought you'd say something about how Cee-Lo couldn't pronounce his words through his fake light up teeth.

Switch the grades!
Something's a little off when Ke$ha gets a B and this gets an F. Say what you want about BEP's shamelessly catchy & derivative crap, at least they care enough to autotune their vocals to the right pitch so it's not painfully grating to listen to…or have Fergie sing in pitch, which she can actually

Dude, relax, no one's saying she's a monster or a tyrant, just that she's annoying and they don't like her anymore. And her music sucks now.

Remember when she tweeted that reporter's phone number? Or carried on about how the CIA controls the internet and spies on us?

hope it's just a misstep
I've been listening to this album for a couple of weeks now (thanks bittorrent!) and it is not good. There's been a lot of talk around here about Pitchfork, and I think these two lines from their review say it perfectly:

I have to agree with TLAotOTMC above and disagree with Tasha about Feed. I also read it based on the good review here and was pretty disappointed.

Yeah I don't know what that little snipe was about, I liked him a lot in Imaginarium. Out of the list I think he'd actually make the best Peter Parker (although that's a toss-up with Jaime Bell, have to see how he is in Tintin).

This is a total trainwreck.
I'm suprised at the decent review, as this album is unlistenably awful. Pitchfork's pan had it right, and this is from someone who loves Live Through This and Celebrity Skin. Most of the songs on this consist of incoherent screeching over gratingly generic-sounding alt rock. It's a

A flop on 24?
I thought James Badge Dale was great on 24…his character (Chase in season 3) could easily have been a straight hero type, but he brought a weird, rangy intensity to it that was pretty cool imo. If anything, he was criminally underused.

My pick
I'd nominate 'Extraordinary' by Liz Phair for this list. Cause every woman is an 'average everyday sane psycho super-goddess', right? God that song drove me crazy.

I'm suprised
Jack Bauer in 24 didn't make this list at all? There are TONS of instances on that show where any sane person would've told him to go home. Just off the top of my head (SPOILERS), in season 3 when he's in heroin withdrawal, season 6 when he's ostensibly tortured his brother to death, season 7 when he's

so is Futurama officially coming back on Fox? If so, how the hell did I miss that? Or did you just mean the movie episodes?

I could've sworn I watched Pontypool on DVD like 2 months ago. Are you telling me those zombies on the radio were REAL?