Rita Hayworth

The show could always use more Adsit, but as far as the writers go, I think Frank is the only one with enough acting ability to carry a subplot. I had always wished for more writing room-centric episodes and when they had those few this season I was pretty sorry to get what I wanted.

I'd have been happy with any episode focusing on the various Pete & Pete adults (the romantic life of Mr. Tastee!) but yes, a Stu episode would probably be the darkest.

I'd love more Order of the Triad episodes, or even just one of Orpheus puttering around doing single dad stuff.

i think it may have been done already for MYoF or new cult canon. but i second the love. that movie is insanely fun.

I don't think you can get more freewheeling than casually bedding Dorothy Malone in a bookstore on a rainy afternoon while you're both on the clock.

was Keith Carradine there? because I seem to remember in that recent not-so-great book on Altman Carradine said he decided to take another job over an Altman movie in the late 70's and Altman didn't speak to him for years, which seems a damn shame because Carradine is one of my favorite's in Altman's company of

that's distracting in a way that even this straight gal is okay with.

I agree. and DiCaprio, modern heartthrob that he is, is just not handsome in that Old Hollywood way that Hughes was.

Short Cuts
Overall I'm fine with the way Carver's stories were adapted for Short Cuts, and of course the drama is going to be amped up for a movie, but i absolutely HATE the storyline they made up about Lori Singer's cellist and her boozy mother. I think someone on the criterion edition talks about how they wanted

McCabe, Thieves Like Us, 3 Women, Vincent and Theo, Nashville

i haven't seen Bugsy, just clips of her in it and she seemed perfectly charming. She can certainly pull off that look.

"it focuses mostly on an affair Hughes had in his later years with a younger woman"

I think of Miss Farrell as the least of the mistresses. I even prefer Bobbi Barrett.

Mr. Orange is hotter than Jon Hamm and I say that as a Jon Hamm fan. But to be fair I don't think anything beats Tim Roth from the Vincent and Theo through Captives era.

it's been awhile since i've seen the movie as well, but i'm pretty sure he's in a scene with Cooper and Lynch himself. Bowie runs in wearing some colorful outfit and starts ranting in a really bad, effeminate southern accent and then Lynch starts yelling over him. i think he was an agent who had been missing or

Thanks! yes, i've heard that the last shot of Cooper is so effective that it almost makes up for everything that comes before it.

second season question
I've seen the pilot episode many times and love the first season but I'm really hesitant to watch the second season because i've heard complaints about it ranging from "not really worth it" to "it's the worst thing ever." apparently Josie Packard's soul gets stuck in a doorknob or something,

The Devil is a Woman
Josef von Sternberg shows Spain during Carnival on what is clearly a set but still makes it look like a hell of a lot of fun. Also, Cesar Romero is running through the streets in a silly costume looking for Marlene Dietrich, not Batman.

You wanted a recording of my voice, well here it is. . .
How about Graham Greene? As far as rereading goes I'll usually stick to the lighter thrillers. I love Brighton Rock, it's such a satisfying read, and the novelization of the Third Man can be finished in one sitting.

I realize as far as comics go this isn't really similar but I love rereading Lynda Barry comics, especially the ones about Maybonne and her sister.