Rita Hayworth

short stories for a short attention span
i'll usually reread select stories from any Raymond Carver, Fitzgerald or Dorothy Parker collection. never really from cover to cover though.

you've never reread anything years, hell even months later and found that it means something different to you, possibly more to you?

i agree GM gives you a great warm and fuzzy feeling but I think staircar is right. That page IS odd and unsettling after all of the lovely homey detail of the other pages. a friend of mine always insists that the book is somehow about death. I've never looked into it because I think he's full of shit but every time

@Unreliable Narrator- I reread the Magus a lot as well although never really from start to finish. I get so damn frustrated with Urfe's behavior, as I should, that it makes it hard for me to tolerate him as a protagonist. I suspect anyone who reads The Collector might have the same feeling about the characters in

John Fowles' The Collector
I swear I am not a creepy person

your behavior as a fiancee has been as weak as American tea! there, I said it.

Shyrock and the Pounds of Flesh

you should add Lonely Are the Brave to that list of 'won't watch till dead.' it has Gena Rowlands, Walter Matthau and a horse if you need to be sold on it.

no personal business on company pond

his face is kind of pinched and forward like a sphincter. you know it's very . . . tight. tight and dark.

Taylor's a fine person for a biopic, it's the idea of focusing on this area of her life that's annoying. i'd rather see the moment she kicked through the back of Monty Clift's car and pulled his own teeth out of his mangled face while everyone else stood around waiting for an ambulance to come.

Is it really that interesting?
i mean, as far as juicy old hollywood stories go, so what? they cheated on their spouses and then they couldn't be apart until the minute they couldn't stand each other. whoop de doo. Taylor's constant medical problems at the time are more interesting Scorsese would be better off

you know, it's hard to say. he kept his dick in so many other women during the time of our marriage that you'd probably get a better answer out of one of them. but what do i know? i'm just a neurotic alcoholic according to him.

i think half of that is performance. what he does physically and with his voice works really well for middle-aged Kane but he's too stiff when he's playing elderly. it makes it seem like he's dried up inside of that crusty make-up.

little Tommy Hanks is going to be on season 6 of Dexter, probably being murdered by Dexter, so I'm guessing Good Guys is long gone.