Chico von Guacamole

1.) True Fact: Chico once dated a girl named Little Beaver.

1.) Speaking of which, I could go for some tacos.

1.) I was not putting down the cereal, I was putting down the fruit loops who made the map.

1.) They do, however, have a chilling familiarity with Toucan Sam.

1.) Is it kosher to operate a ham radio?

1.) I would bang that blonde in Big Bang Theory.

1.) Obviously the CIA removed Bob Marley's cervix.

1.) I know this grosses most of my fellow rape enthusiasts out, but I would still totally rape Courtney Love.

1.) If Elizabeth Olsen was my daughter, I would probably think about molesting her.

1.) @cbats - I'm finding this record much more satisfying than it's frightening as well.

1.) Witchboard was a shitty movie.

1.) Seven years of college down the drain.

1.) Well, I have had to dumb things down since your mom & I became fuck buddies.

1.) If they need someone to play the knife in the shower scene, my dick is available.

1.) Get Chico Blowed.

1.) What, no Until the End of the World or Restoration?

1.) Unlimited access to 'high-school pussy'. - Keith Phipps.

1.) The Mindy Kaling sitcom is pretty gross.

1.) Thanks, but I'd rather be remembered for my work as Mantan Moreland.

1.) Who said anything about going out with her?