Chico von Guacamole

1.) Chico lurves Dakota in the Runaways.

1.) I would like to fuck Emma Watson.

1.) I drank deep from the well of Zorros and got the runs for a week.

1.) And what's the deal with refried beans? First they got fried, then they got fried again. But when you open the can they're still cold, so you have to heat the fucking things a third time. I mean, wtf?

1.) @Nebali - OK, but you like tacos, right?

1.) Echo & the Bunnymen - The Killing Moon

1.) Unless the remake also includes music by the Plimsouls, the Psychedelic Furs, Modern English & Josie Cotton, it is pointless.

1.) This tune is supposed to have some wicked ass beats on it.

1.) One vote for snuff film.

1.) Bearded Ricky Gervais & that midget are on my screen in three different places, and I don't even get HBO.

1.) Colbert had a baby.

1.) They look like such an adorable couple in the picture in the article that I'm going to refrain from describing my phel phantasies.

1.) I'm voting for "Step By Step".

1.) They're going to give it a more serious edge by courting the torture porn demographic, sort of like Hostel with the Munsters running the place.

1.) I'd rather watch your girlfriend eat broken glass out of a toilet than watch this movie.

1.) @Lobsters - don't be, I still haven't done Asian despite many attempts.

1.) It was the late 80s. They hadn't invented politically correct terms like mocha latte half calf.

1.) I have nothing to do with this film.

1.) Or a Thin Semen Line.

1.) Agreed. I'm all in favor of Lana del Rey sucking a lot