Chico von Guacamole

1.) I thought Confessions On A Dance Floor had some killer tunes on it.

1.) I'm kind of a busy guy, FAS.

1.) You forgot to mention the appeal of coating her face with my semen as part of a grisly decoupage project.

1.) Yes, as a matter of fact, I do want those.

1.) Sweet Christ, take a look at Pee Wee's hands. Go ahead, I'll wait.

1.) Why is Quentin Tarrantino pictured for this article?

1.) But, does she?

1.) I'll get my EpiPen and 'get'er right in the face' if ya know what I mean.

1.) This is all straight out of that time travel movie with David Cassidy, Devo & the dudes from Redd Kross.

1.) She's also in Two Brown Girls, One Cup.

1.) Is that facial Nair on his chin?

1.) Not a fan of her music, but I do wish that microphone was my cock.

1.) Unless it's from Chloƫ Sevigny. She apparently requires a lot more than three.

1.) Downside to big penis: no Oscar.

1.) Roddy Piper >>>>>> Hulk Hogan

1.) This explains why he did that taxi movie with Queen Latifah for scale.

1.) I've got a better idea for a half hour weekly program: The Chico Von Guacamole Plays With Lana Del Ray's Petite Titties Show.

1.) Tree of Life was awesome.

1.) I like the song Woody sings in Toy Story better.

1.) Not familiar with the song you are talking about. I was referring to Arlo Guthrie's masterful "Alice's Restaurant".