
Well, it was a nice internet.
While it lasted, anyway.

"the biggest advantage the U.S. version has over the U.K. version is in its Fiona"
Wait - was that a thinly veiled slam on Fiona from the UK version? I mean I thought she and Steve were the best parts, I stopped watching it after they left.

Eep. At this stage, could she smile? Or would it simply look like a smile when she tried to scream in anguish with the face she used to mop up a Keith-Richards-shaped puddle with.

"Ach! They're after me pot of…..Dammit, I had it just a second ago….LINE!"

To be fair,
based on what I know of their movie writing from podcasts and various internet apocrypha, their scripts often seem to be projects where they were the initial writers that were thanked for their work before being fired and the script put in another writer's hands(Apparently Herbie: Fully Loaded was written

@Danskjavlar Nicely put. Agreed on Chinatown.

I don't know who here knows who Robert McKee is
but a few months back I had the opportunity to see a one-off, two-day version of his screenwriting seminar. Man, for a screenwriting guru, he's REALLY grumpy. Long story short, I'm sure he saw my eyeballs pop out of their sockets(Quite a small auditorium), when he


Will he be flanked
by four people who are apparently the reason everyone shows up, but then turn out to be the people who suck the life out of the room?

You're part of the problem.

Travesty. An absolute travesty.
I mean, surely it doesn't even take a person of genius proportions to watch "Terriers", and think to themselves "This is good. Why isn't it getting better numbers?".

I do love me some Nirvana & Soundgarden.
Well, more Soundgarden, but Nirvana really transcended the whole genre being built up around them, simply by being ahead of the game, and their MTV Unplugged set is the gold standard for recorded live performances. I still get angry seeing some of the other performances

@Persia; No, Loeb was on the show well into the third season(He and Jesse Alexander were fired by Tim Kring, supposedly because they refused to keep writing for character stories that began in the pilot). You might be thinking of Bryan Fuller.

"The Event - A Quinn Martin Production!"
Seriously, this is really feeling like an update of "The Invaders".

Cocoon was made by his former AD partner, Ron Howard.

"Nein - er - no, I am from Glaahz-go."

A Star of Many Movies of Mis-Spent Afternoons.
I suppose his style was something that dated him very quickly, but to me he was always as impressive a comic & tragic presence as Chaplin or Harold Lloyd. As a character, always eager to help, and eager to play the fool as long as it made people laugh. But his

@Otto E. Roddick - I think you're right about the UK version, it was very much the same thing as the NY original, just with a set of identifiers(Accent, dress, work conditions, local flora & fauna), that was unique to the UK edition. Having said that, I've not seen much of it outside a few episodes of the first

"Mutant Mutant, Angst Angst"
Sorry, just the last line of the article reminded me of a similar gimmick used by Peter David & Joe Quesada in one of my favourite comics - an issue of X-Factor where all the then team-members take part in a montage of character-study-by-therapy, and at the end it's revealed the therapist

It WAS an amazing pilot.
But I think Todd's note on it being cable-TV style characters in a soap world may mean the story dwindles into something EXTREMELY familiar by the end of episode two. I mean, yes, it's a redemption story. Fine. I love redemption stories as much as anyone. But already the characters feel