
I….I just don't know who you are any more.

@avclub-d1247139f201f957c314d5c00cfe76ea:disqus More like Radio Pretty.


Urk, brainfart.  I mixed up Kaori and Kei.  I really Annied myself there.

Bearing in mind the experiences Kei has in "Akira", I say this:  My name is CrackerJacker, and I support this casting news.

It's like his head is growing a second potato inside of it, pushing the first forward.

God-fucking-damn-it.  First I read that someone's making a "Hollywood movie" out of Doctor Who, then this?  Fuck you, world.  Fuck you in the "i".  As in "internet".

Damn straight.

Wait, why was Bruce Dern the Michael Shannon of his generation?

Huh.  I read the Vertigo "Chiaroscuro" serial, and I distinctly remember Da Vinci having lots of sex with young men/boys, and not many women, while ranting about how no-one "gets" him.

Ah, part two of a movie series based on some much funnier TV commercials, or dare I say it - "Adverts".

Bounce off the walls repeatedly to get over the L-shaped floating bits, and as @avclub-5fdbaa11bd42c308322756f60f43785f:disqus  says, you can double-jump by hitting Z to jump, then again to jump further while in mid-air.

It's my favourite game since Resident Evil 5: Colonial Marnie.

Oh sure, it's just she was completely incongruous and unnecessary, but there were all these odd explanations at the time as to how she was "important" in the context of the show.  I'm not sad she wasn't utilised more, I just hate loose ends.  Yet I still love Fringe.

Oh is that true?  I guess that's as clear an answer as is out there.

I follow a bunch of comedians, probably too many to read all of them, and I drop in once in a while to read them.  I don't think I'd even noticed her in my Twitter feed for months, until she was plugging the show more recently.  I tend to not unfollow people, but you raise a good point.  I don't know at this point why

You know what, what the hell happened to the seemingly abandoned FBI agent who was a conspicuous character at the beginning of season 3?  The pattern was a season one thing, but I seem to remember people from the production team saying her character would pay off.

"Two Broke Girls"(A show desperate to make sure no-one made a better-named porn version of itself), is actually better than "Whitney".  It's not great, but it has a little bit  of life to it.  Having said that, my feelings for "Two Broke Girls" mostly revolve around "Really?  It's come to this, Garrett Morris?".

According to her Twitter feed, she was cracking up the whole time she wore the nurse outfit.  So either Whitney Cummings has a deep, existentially aware side that was titillated by the lunacy of it all when life has no purpose, or she kept looking down and going "Ha!  BOOOOBS".

@avclub-49ca8bb433c049164d84c687442d319f:disqus "pochoreoanimatorsrn"?  Quit making up words.