Summons For Jury Duty

Yuh. I was thinking - before he drew down - how much better this show would be with Timothy Olyphant as Rick. And then, boom.

Yes. Labelled tribes. And not just quiet, keep-your-beliefs-to-yourself atheists. I want hardcore, Bill Maher-style atheists. People who will say stuff like:

Next season, let's just get it out there: Christians vs. Atheists.

I heard stool.Yule? Mule? Peter O'Toole? What did you hear?

No, you just take it.

I was a Harborside patient when I lived in the Bay Area. It is awesome.

Coach is such a hypocrite. Praying to find the idol in his pocket in the interest of continuing to exploit fellow "true believer" Brandon is super scummy. Sadly, I don't think he really has any self awareness about it.

I know I'm super late with this one, but I don't think that was Congress of the Cow. Do a Goggle. Quinn was engaged in Perfunctory Standing Dog.

Bill Clinton?

The meat challenge was nasty, but the meat-basket cam pushed into cover-your-eyes territory.

I miss the old crazy Coach.

I think he's feeling pretty good about himself, having murdered a gob of his enemies and gotten revenge for his boyfriend's death.

He seems uncannily unlike either totem to me. But I sure love it when they let him talk.

Agreed! Plus the R.I. loser's ultimate dismissal seems a huge anticlimax compared to the Tribal Council send off.

I, too, agree with you about Russell. But rather than change the rules, I wish they would hire a Survivor coach for him. They could go back and watch tons of episodes and try to teach him to adapt his gameplay to winning the game, rather than just trying to "run" the game.

Rob is smart. But Grant may eventually figure out that he was being toyed with.

The hidden idol is frequently a mind-fuck. People can rarely go more than a couple of episodes without revealing it and often with negative outcomes - most especially the "target on the back".

There's stupid - keeping Phillip, throwing challenges to vote out that little troll. And then there's delightful TV. And keeping Phillip made me almost as happy as watching Russell cry like a little girl and then blame his inability to out-anything except out-pout on his tribe rather than acknowledge that his game was

I hate Russell. However, I must admit that I was half rooting for him against God boy. And yet, when he started crying I was beside myself with joy.

He's the real deal crazy. He said that in the army he was awarded the second-highest medal given during peace time… for field sanitation. Among his other accomplishments was the much-sought-after honorable discharge.