Summons For Jury Duty

Survivial is hard in the heavy undergrowth.

I would say "Great episode"…
if there had been just a little whiff of crazy from Phillip. I missed him.

I hate Russell a lot. And yet I got a strange thrill when it looked like "the old lady" was going to flip.

I could have done without Googling "leishmaniasis".

This dude is as nutty as a Payday. He is my favorite player this year for entertainment value. He may be able stick around if he can keep his craziness and testicles contained. (Those undies aren't going to get any tighter.)
I don't think he is really rational. He was talking about not minding going to Redemption

RI challenges present another way for the producers to control the outcome by playing into contestants' strengths. If you want Francesqua back, it's a puzzle; if you want Joe Christian, its more physical. They can also amp up the drama as needed. How many RI contestants will return? How many 1-1 challenges would

I watch for the crazy. Phillip makes Coach looks completely sane.

"Influenced" as in a producer told Boston Rob that Kristina found the idol? His "feeling" that she had it seemed a little too psychic detective to me. He's THAT good?
100% agree that showing the idol is a mega-risky move and that Kristina wasn't thinking things through. Kristina went from brilliant (finding the idol)