
I looked through the separate legal page and noticed one of the stipulations is that the "[e]ntry cannot promote or place significant emphasis on any illegal activity or violation of any state or federal law."  How would you, or rather your legal department, define "significant emphasis"? Does this mean no murder

I looked through the separate legal page and noticed one of the stipulations is that the "[e]ntry cannot promote or place significant emphasis on any illegal activity or violation of any state or federal law."  How would you, or rather your legal department, define "significant emphasis"? Does this mean no murder

My name is Judge,

My name is Judge,

Did anyone else think Jekyll kind of fell apart at the end? 

Wait are you talking about Zap Rowsdower?

So basically, if they don't do this, I'm going to set myself on fire.

Vanguard actually is pretty good  I've only caught one episode sort of by accident— I sought it out because it was about a kid I went to high school with in Alabama who went nuts & joined a militant Islamic youth group called Al Shabbab in Somalia, and now serves as a sort of English-language youtube spokesperson for

If I found out my son had Jewish ancestry, then I'd cut off his foreskin in a time-honored and sacred tradition involving close friends and family.

Tracy Morgan Jr. Will Hunting— a glimpse into the future
"Ah he used to just put gayness, a stick, and a belt on the table and just say choose."
"I gotta go with the belt there then."
"I used to go with the gayness."
"Why the gayness?"
"Cos fuck him, that's why."

has a death catchphrase. No fun. It reminded me a lot of Revenge of the Nerds IV.

the truth
This movie is really fucking stupid.

This is very sad news. I didn't know hardly anything about DeStefano— I heard the WTF episode and was very moved. I was really looking forward to hearing more from him.

Hey Nathan— noticed you're planning your big trip soon. I am a college student in AL and I know a professor who writes a lot about country music, blues, etc… He's got a couple paper's published on the topic. Want I should tell him to get in touch with you?

Ya totally
If you review frontline, not only will I read the reviews, I will remember to watch frontline more often! Please do! Would love to read this on avclub!

deer bands
These guys are fantastic live, and this is easily their most polished, accessible album to date. So there's that.

favorite "my father touched my butthole"
Hitler's barely audible "Mien Butthole!" after "Hitler reveals to a stunned nation that no one ever touched his butthole."

welcome to the working week
Your job is more fun than mine. We have sneak shots AND blowjobs in the walk-in freezer.

Bob Riley IS an asshole, but Nick Saban will also rip Gene Chizik's heart from his chest and eat it raw— high stakes gambling behind the scenes of next years iron bowl, yo.

and in all fairness, everyone in Alabama is named Robert E., Nathaniel Bedford, or Stonewall.