Ghost Of Dean Martin

Until I can get some diapers, a copy of "Fifty Shades Of Gray", a replacement printer cartridge, and a 30-pack of fruit roll-ups, I can't see myself shopping there

As "grave robbery" as this seems, when I read quickly through the list of other auction items, I mistakenly thought they were auctioning off Ringo Starr's head!

He should have also watched that one episode of "Gilligans Island" where Gilligan outsmarts the Giant (from "Jack & The Beanstalk story) by running back and forth between his legs…

"Scientists now believe that 'the Pointer Sisters' are a gateway to much harder fare including 'Parliament Funkadelic'!"

"It is a musical impossibility. They're two complete different syncopations and note choices and different keys. One's a minor key and one's a major key. Plus, I was drunk and high the entire time!"

and his ear to the ground!

You never know when they're gonna snap

"I'll have you know that this was made on a Windows 95 machine
using MS PAINT!"

That drawing at the beginning of the clip…

It's the mini-robot cousin to R2D2…

"and that joker's name?… George Lucas!

[british accent]
where's the f^!&ing basement of the Alamo!

It's like the time somebody posted that the movie "Lincoln" was two hours of him posing for the penny

I wouldn't even watch this if it was called Vanity Helsing and had a soundtrack by Prince

"We went to Glenn's neighborhood looking for him, but he moved…

to heaven!"

And his first name was the inspiration for the movie -

In a related point, his name is also the phrase he uses for jerkin' off…

The Five People You Meet While Heavin'
Heave A Little Faith
Tuesdays With Burpo

HAHA… the joke's on you…
I've already been wetting my bed forever!

It's an anagram for