
do you remember alderaan?

What a weird fucking day.

I didn't know nuffin' 'bout no skellingtons!

Curse you, terrorists, for denying the world some Lizzy Caplan with bangs and wearing glasses!

I can't really imagine the costs to save this show would be any more expensive than, say, Community, which Yahoo! recently saved. Sure, Community has a more devoted following and Yahoo! has more cash, but my point is that I can't imagine the costs would be as expensive as most of the other sitcoms airing online,

I'm thinking that Warner Bros. wants Suicide Squad to be its Guardians of the Galaxy. I would be so on board for that if I had any faith in what they're doing with their film universe. I hope I'm wrong, though, and this movie is as awesome as this cast seems to be.

I'm thinking the episode nature of the show sort of hurt it, in the end. It made for an engaging as hell listen each week, but the wait gave everyone almost too much time to dwell on the case and formulate theories. That was part of the fun, sure, but what can Sarah Koenig put out that could possibly come close to the

Honestly, if it doesn't end like this then I'll be disappointed.

I've always liked that word, Perestroika. I'm going to miss this show so hard when it's gone. I genuinely care about these two crazy fictional kids and their weird relationship.

It's probably my favorite episode that they've done. Exposition was clunky as hell. But the ambiance was great. B seems about right.

I bought it. They didn't even touch him. How can they be worthy of a place in the legendary League of Assassins if he can dispose of 8 of them in what was essentially a single stroke? The way that final one just sort of accepted it spoke to them knowing they failed. Honor killing.

I'd rather they didn't do that. There are plenty of other heroes they could pull off that would be just as fascinating. Jonah Hex, for one!

They're not together in the New 52. In fact, I'm not sure if they've even shared any major scenes since the universe rebooted. Black Canary has a whole new name and backstory now. They're not the same characters that they were.

Heh. I'm just reminded of
Leo Zelinsky, tailor to the superpowered denizens of the 616.

Is your name a reference to Jesse Quick? Because awesome. (I miss the JSA so much.)

Ollie fought Ra's on neutral ground near Starling City. Also, when he climbed that mountain he wasn't climbing to Nanda Parbat. Nyssa said something along the lines of "Do you really think that the Demon's Head would travel from Nanda Parbat just because you called him?" "Yes." So it can be assumed that they were near


Hell of an ending. I can't wait to see Oliver come back all mind-fucked and raging from the Lazarus effects. I just hope it's not for at least two episodes or so. It'd be nice for Team Arrow to come to terms with his death and then Bam! there he is. (This might be a great time to introduce Pre-Nu52 Richard Dragon,

I love it, for the most part, but I wished it would have left the words unsaid. I mean, damn, a "You know what" instead of a flat "I love you" would have been way better, I feel. Maybe I'm just a sucker.

They're hip, attractive and young 30-somethings - that's how!