
I really, really love this idea, but I wonder how that ties into the Crisis that Barry was supposed to prevent? I wonder if maybe this whole thing isn't some test that Wells (obviously a Thawne) is putting Barry through in order to make sure he saves the multiverse. Maybe he saw a future in which Barry failed and

This Reverse Flash is obviously Eobard, descendant of Eddie, right? What a terrifying villain. I thought the mystique would vanish once we saw him in action, but they really, really pulled off the hyper speed fight. The glowing red eyes and vibrating face were so gooooood.

I'm glad they didn't break up. But I'm so close to saying that Mindy is leagues too good for Danny and his bouts of selfishness. She's become so great this season. I'm actively rooting for her to succeed in all aspects of her life.

I'm so pissed that my DVR glitched out through that entire sequence. Was it really as good as everyone is saying it was?

"Love doesn't matter!"

I sure hope not.

"Got me again, Flash!"

That…was a really good looking burger.

"Oh, hi Marshmallow."

That angel on angel drama was great, and I loved the look of those wings. It's obvious that the only angel that would ever work with someone like Constantine is one that's teetering on the edge of falling, and Manny sold that. He's conflicted. It's not subtle writing (and nowhere near as well-done as the movie did

I know that the Master Chief Collection has it's problems, but it's a really, really great deal. They've mostly got the matchmaking problems sorted by now, thank goodness. The sound redesign and remastered cutscenes on Halo 2: Anniversary Edition are worth the price of admission.

It's…really messed up and maybe even borderline emotionally abusive of Toph to dangle that thread in front of her daughter but never give her a straight answer for all those years.

The guitar had not made a sound in nineteen years. All was well.

I vastly preferred Origins' story to the previous games. I did have some gameplay issues with it, but it's nowhere near as bad as I'd heard it said it was.

You should definitely try to play the Ezio trilogy. They're easily the games at their most experimental and, frankly, best. The (exceptionally silly) story is at its best in those games. I would also say try to get through the OK-but-flawed Assassin's Creed III, if you can, simply because Black Flag has a tie to it

This is probably the worst place to admit this. I've been replaying Halo 1-4 (heroic all the way through, not legendary since I simply don't have the time to hassle myself thus) thanks to the Master Chief Collection, and I've trying to keep as sharp focus as possible on understanding its mythology.

Redirected from: "@TheAVClub: Gadget turns people into Human Torch, member of future class action lawsuit http://avc.lu/1ynaIP6"

"It's you, wolves. It's always been you."
*Finally sees wolves for who they truly are: your best friend and the who you were meant to be with."

And three times the ads!

I feel like if a viewer isn't even a little moved by the film's ending then they're at least a little bit dead inside. Which is maybe ironic, I guess. (In any case, I agree with you. Once was enough.)