
wolves don't give a fuck about whether The Grey is a survival tale or not. they only care about being biological murder machines. we are the hunted. they are the hunters. it does not matter. nothing matters. we are already dead.

Is this one of those shows that you wonder if it's more fun to film than it is to watch?

My favorite part of watching this while also checking twitter often was seeing people struggling to hate and snark tweet the production. It wasn't good by any means but it also wasn't the complete and utter train-wreck that people (like me) were hoping it would be.

I'm not really feeling the Doctor Strange cast news. I am pretty happy Reynolds is finding get his proper shot. If anyone deserves it, it's him. He's been fighting for this role for years.

I had a whole post about this episode. Instead? Uhm. I'm going to replay that last scene a few times.

Wait, this show is still airing new episodes?! To Hulu!

I'd read his name once or twice before but always assumed that it was "pewdiepew," which is silly but infinitely better than pewdeepie.

Aren't Let's Plays at least ten years old by now? Have they really become that popular? I'm so glad I'm not up on the YouTube celebrity culture.

Her wistful sigh while thinking about the Landmine scene from the beginning of last season was subtle but so great.

I say: yes. I will give you a tip that just imagine that Amell is playing Oliver intentionally stiff and awkward due to his experiences. (He is.) It's still slow up until Episode 8 or so of season one, but it gets really, really great in the second half of season one and doesn't stop. Season two? Fucking awesome TV.

Only two people deserve the title of "Detective:" Bruce Wayne and Pre-52 Tim Drake.

Someone above said it might be that they've not fully committed to a season-long arc like last season. Probably because they're focusing a bit on the Flash. Maybe once the League comes into play it'll snap into place like it did when Slade entered the picture.

"unlike my killer boomerang, they might not come back."

You act like Power Rangers for grown-ups is a bad thing.

I think this might be my favorite of the two episodes. I can't explain why exactly, but I felt like the show had a sharper focus on the story. All of the beats served a purpose, even the jokey parts (which all hit). And I sort of loved that Oliver was the one who suggested the final sparring session. I do think it was

Well at least he didn't kill 'em.

I'm optimistic because, if done right, I think Will Smith can pull off the charismatic with an edge attitude that Deadshot is best known for having. He was good at it in Hancock. It'd be a bummer of a film if it was too serious and the cast so far has me hopeful that it won't be. I mean, I could be wrong, too, but I

And why not.

I'd really like a Challengers of the Unknown movie.

But as corny as they were, the lampshade hanging bits for every actor change crack me up every time. A simple "Hey, you look different" exchange and then boom, off you go.