
I'm a pretty big Deadshot fan. I'm keen on this choice because I think Smith has the rough-edge charisma to pull off a good Lawton. (I'm looking at his turn in Hancock, which was a forgettable except for the early scenes with Smith as a superpowered asshole.)

I first watched that scene as a kid. It stuck with me, man. I remember running to my dad and just hugging him while crying about how lucky I was. Uncle Phil will always be the best TV Dad for me, and that whole episode was the reason why.

I'm watching it week by week, and I dig it a lot more than I did. But there's no way Agent of S.H.I.E.L.D. is on par with Arrow and the Flash as a comic book / superhero show. I do think it's a mistake to put the three in the same group, though. They're trying different things and are vastly different in tone. (And

Same here, actually. The DVR recording glitched out for a second while Rainbow Raider - who I still can't believe got a live action appearance - was giving his imprisoned speech. I thought it had screwed up, but I really loved that they just skipped right to him being captured. I mean, of course.

To be fair, she was the one calling him all the time. The rooftop conversation was Iris's idea.

Would her dad still a fuzzy blue alien?

What I wouldn't give to see Dominic Fortune officially exist in the MCU.

Fan*girls*? I'm a straight dude and even I would attack someone for threatening the Almighty Salmon Ladder.

I like him! And that's not just because I like having a dorky, genius Latino character on TV. Dude's basically how I would be hanging out with a bunch of people with superpowers: geeking the fuck out. I appreciate that!

There was almost nothing about this episode that I didn't love. Except maybe Eddie's task force and the Iris subplot but it seemed like it had to happen sooner or later. In any case, holy hell, did I love all the character moments between the Arrow and Flash crew. DIG BEING IN SHOCK. CAITLIN BEING ADORABLE AND

I'm feeling pretty good about this cast. It feels bold. Bold in a way that sets it apart from what the MCU is doing. Let's hope it works.

Honestly, that blew me away. Will Smith as friggin' Deadshot? I don't know why but I am loving that choice. I hope they let him have the mustache, though. Floyd isn't Floyd without the 'stache.

Oof. That teen girl episode was rough in a lot of ways but that scene with Morgan was especially awful.

Both these plots were pretty tired. That said, the emotional resolutions to each story were almost worth the retread. Mindy and Danny's final talk was, frankly, one of my favorite scenes this show has done. Loved seeing Mindy being mature like that.

It was such a dumb thing to tack onto Coach's character.

This story with Nick is going to end ugly, isn't it?

[your first name] the Hedgehog is my original character and copyright. Do not steal.

I'm four episodes behind, and I'm not in any rush to catch up after reading these comment sections week after week. That's really, really disappointing after such a rollicking first season.

fucking superhero shows and also comedies

AHHH. Not Tuesdays! My DVR is already close to bursting into flames from how many shows I'm recording that night.