
I am so happy that Brooklyn Nine-Nine is dedicated to showcasing the talents of awesome and hilarious Latina women. Good episode. Very much enjoyed.

Honestly, I didn't realize how OK I was with this pairing until I read your post. Good job!

Make everyone happy: Tobey Maguire only shows up as Peter Parker. Inexplicably, he's Andrew Garfield as Spider-man. (Which was always my main complaint: Maguire was such a weak Spidey.)

I'm still unconvinced that this whole this isn't some big practical joke. In fact, even five seasons in, I'll probably still be wondering if we're not being trolled. I mean, I dig it, but I mean uh hmmm.

I miss Selfie. Bring it back, ABC. Bring back Karen Gillan. Give it a better title. I hear "All You Need is Kill" is free.

I'm still holding out for a Lazarus Pit to make an appearance. Nyssa knows where Sara is buried now, after all.

The way I look at it: it was the perfect finale for the show as it was in Season 2. But it'd been going in a drastically different direction by the end that to drag the characters back to how they were in S.2. was jarring and felt a bit like a betrayal to where it had been. Plus, we spent the entire final season on

She's doing pretty well for having internal bleeding and probably broken ribs. Only a couple of days, too!

SPOILERS for the Comics re: what you're referring to:

Honestly? The only ending I can see working in the context of this show is that Rick and his crew manage to build a permanent settlement that works. The zombies slowly die out because they have no food and that far into the future people know enough to immediately destroy the brain upon death. Epilogue will be Carl as

Their Instagram isn't much better. My girlfriend got it spoiled for her literally a minute before the shot went off on our recording. We were only about five minutes behind the airing. Boo.

Dawn's neck was right there. She could have easily stabbed and moved back. Sure, Dawn might have still gotten a shot off, but at least the stab would have been effectual. So dumb.

Aw, damn. Poor Beth. I really grew to like her throughout this season enough so that I felt genuinely sad when she got a bullet in the head. This was kind of a slog to get through. It was telegraphing a major death throughout the entire episode. The beginning was promising, the middle was boring and the end was brutal

But Robbie is awful and deserves to be alone. Tambry is not awful and does not deserve to be saddled with Robbie. Anyway, love potion episodes always gross me out. This one was funnier than most but I still felt uncomfortable watching it.

Keep in mind, it's not a trailer. It's a teaser. We have literally no context for anything we just watched. The full trailer (which might give us more info) probably won't be out for another few months.

Honestly, I'm kind of fine with that. I'm interested in viewing Star Wars through a new lens. It's why I've always enjoyed the novels and comics and even some games. It would be an utter failure if it tried to ape Lucas. Maybe this way it won't be.

I'm thinking that he's a trooper who suddenly gains access to the Force or something.

The force! It's the reason there isn't a mass grave where they dump the Younglings who accidentally tripped on their lightsabers. The FORCE! solves any logical issue you may have with these movies.

I'm kind of in a daze. I'm trying to muster up excitement for what I just watched but I'm still all "bluh?!" about it. ONE YEAR.