
I'm assuming you read Fifty-Two: Wasn't Ralph the absolute shit in that? I remember literally cheering out loud during that scene with Neron in the Tower. And then GHOST DETECTIVES.

He absorbs energy. They could hand-wave it away as he absorbed the kinetic energy from the bullets so that they didn't hurt him. I mean, conjecture, sure, but not outside the realm of Comic Book Possibility.

What a great episode! It was a fantastic showcase of what makes Barry a hero. Blackout was terrifying and the effects were really good. Clock King is one of my absolute favorite villains. I was pleased to see him show up. And screw everyone, I am all about Caitlin and Barry right now. Their closeness feels completely

I may have lost access to my old account but damn if I don't love this commenter community. You're fun. All of you.

It was enjoyable enough. I enjoy the three stooges of criminal activity riffing off each other so I was pleased with it. That said, I would have killed for an asshole-off between Spacey and Waltz, and I could have done with the rape joke at the end. Otherwise, C+ sounds about right to me.

I enjoyed the heck out of this episode. I can't even explain to you how happy I was when Tran showed up. He fought in Korea! I don't know for which side but I know he's a war hero!

I'm not afraid to admit I'm a huge fan a good half-shaved hairstyle on a pretty lady. I'm not afraid to admit that Natalie Dormer makes me think that the entire trend became a thing just so she could rock it. (Although, her accent in the film was jarring. I don't know why I expected that she'd keep her natural accent

I enjoyed the movie more than I thought I would. (I found the tacked-on Zero Dark Thirty-esque rescue mission more exciting than I should have.) But I also felt cheated. It's half a movie at full price. Worse, it's half a potentially good movie at full price. I wonder now if I shouldn't have waited until next year to



"Damn it, Sith!"

Honestly, last Friday's episode was significantly better than the grade it was given. It was a competently told, fun hour of television. The world-building is getting better and better; the potential for good TV is there.

Boo. The show is finally coming into its own! I mean, it's only been, what - five episodes? How the hell can you expect a show about a little known DC character to gain a following if you don't give it a proper shot?

Foreshadowing? For something?

Tara completely won me over with GREATM. I don't know why. It's silly but it was cute and I'm using that phrase to refer to Team Eugene from now on.

This has been my favorite season of The Walking Dead. It's tied with only the first half of the first season for being must-watch TV, and the first season had the benefit of being new. It has its flaws, sure. Lots of leaps of logic necessary to make certain character motivations work - but the episodes are generally

This rating is much too harsh. This was a competent, well-directed and fun hour of television. It made me happy to see Papa Midnite and Constantine sniping at each other. And Zed isn't that bad. She's great when she's playing off Constantine. And it feels respectful of other cultures, even as it exploits them for

Yeah but…Jar Jar Binks.

Just pull up your Dominos app.

Wait, if the author is giving a show they clearly hate an average grade then that's a good thing, isn't? It's thrilling TV, sure, but that doesn't mean its writing isn't mostly silly nonsense. Whizzbang editing and Viola Davis can only do so much.