
Chip Zdarsky's writing? I'm in. His two pages during that Original Sin tie-in were the highlight of the event. "No, MORE mutants!"

You've got a hell of a good point there.

re: Point 3:

Taylor Swift is pretty OK. I like her more as a celebrity than I do as an artist. Which is a strange thing to admit since I am so often aghast at celebrity culture. You could do worse with your art, millions of dollars and conventionally attractive, white-bread looks than strive to inspire teenage girls to be

You're right. I forgot to include that every character relationship outside of the Keating Five's interactions with one another. That's the only time I feel any major emotional attachment to them. (Connor and Asher are the only Keating Five characters that garner sympathy or an emotional response from me on their own.)

That was severely underwhelming. It felt like we were watching maybe 20 minutes of new footage which gave me time to dwell on how stupid the Keating Five actually are. They could have easily, easily come up with a viable self-defense claim as soon as Sam started strangling Rebecca. "We came to drop off the trophy on

I've been pretty forgiving of these films. Each installment usually has one standout that justifies its existence. This one…didn't. And as much as I loved the magician showdown, none of these wowed me. Also, the framing device this time around was wretched. It made zero sense.

"How about this guy with the freeze gun?" Same thing Barry. You can run so fast that Captain Cold literally wouldn't be able to see you coming.

If you have an opportunity to say you're the Fastest Man Alive and be telling the truth, you should be saying it as often as possible. How badass is that title?

I really enjoyed the stuff with the interns. I'm hoping Candace shows up and disappoints Mindy (and everyone) regularly.

I'm honestly hoping that this is the case. Otherwise the diary plotline gets into some skeezy territory.

Also, Nick is totally the cute one, man. He's totally the one.

It's been so long since I was told. Who's that girl? Who's that girl?!

Maybe he actually is too perfect to be true. Maybe he's a serial killer!

I enjoyed this a lot more than I thought I would. I think it was mostly how brilliant Michelle Gomez was as the Master. What a great, cackling villain she made. Everyone else has already covered my issues with this season, which I felt suffered a majorly from tell don't show-itis. Coleman and Capaldi were brilliant

This show has such potential. I'm hoping it really digs into the rich monster lore of the comics soon. I have faith that it will. Its opening title sequence is one of my favorites of the fall. It's haunting and dark and tells you everything you need to know. Add to that the terrific make-up and effects work. They just

Ward is obviously going Hydra-hunting. Honestly, as charismatic as he is as a villain, I think an anti-hero vibe will do him better. Villains get brought down. Anti-heroes don't have to be.

My dream.

It…it could maybe work. Maybe. How many more ways can you tell a Wolfman or Dracula story that hasn't been told before? Sigh.

Finally saw this. Beyond the brilliant camera, editing and sound work on display in this film, Keaton was just absolutely fabulous. Dude took hold of my attention and ran with it, taking it to some places it didn't know it wanted to go.