Or a robot spider body.
Or a robot spider body.
Finn, Rey and Poe blow up the seventh Death Star and party with their allies. Rey looks off and smiles to the force ghosts of Han, Luke, Leia, and Porkins.
He actually had advanced prostate cancer and was up on that cliff to kill himself. New Republic health care is shit.
My name is…..Darth Vader!
Wither Luuke Skywalker?
"I endevour to give satisfaction."
Lock n' load, it's murder time…..IN SPACE!!!
You kiss-a your mudda with dat mowth?!!!!!
Noted wife-stabber Norman Mailer.
I've always wanted a Bond movie where the first half is just 007 going to the office, taking phone calls, sending emails, going to meetings, getting ccd on memos, getting lunch with his buddies, giving power point presentations, going to target practice, going to the employee gym, picking up his dry cleaning, and then…
Chief: Hymie can't marry her, he's an automaton!
Max: Shame on you Chief, what does his religion have to do with anything?!
I turned on the radio yesterday morning, and after a few seconds, I was like "Is that Tom Hanks?" True story.
He seems to like and appreciate America and people in general.
When Putin orders you to have a sexy piss party with Trump for krompromat purposes, you best believe you're gonna drink your weight in vodka before and after.
needs more gargling of Russian hooker piss
Let's go to the mall, TODAY!
How many Canadians does it take to screw in a light bulb? "Oh no, it's dark? I'm so scared!"
It sounds like angels!
Wonder Woman punches her way through the yellow wallpaper trying to drive her crazy!
Disgusting Princess Diana, who is sadly, no longer a 10….