Dumbledore Calrissian

Pepper's real name is Virginia, which is also an old lady name.

Meet Brayden Chatswin, the new Captain America for the 21st Century. He wears sunglasses, has a giant gun to kill terrorists instead of some dorky shield, and Sam and Bucky spend every issue talking about how awesome he is.

Maybe Sharon could star in a rebooted Agent Carter series….

I was saying boo-wart….

What's this about Nyssa from Arrow?

You'll just have to recycle your View From the Top action figure.

He's playing Black Panther's friend, Jeremy Wilcox. He became a car salesman out of college, just as a lark, really, and 8 years later, he's assistant manager. He promised himself that wouldn't become his job, but well, here he is…

If Iron Fist isn't light, colorful and fun then they just don't understand the character. Danny Rand is a human golden retriever.

As though a nemesis could be more sexy than Dottie!

Infinity + 1 Earths!

Although, realistically she should have died much earlier after she fell two stories and got impaled on a piece of re-bar. She just kind of walked that one off…

It Follows Very Quickly

"I'll bring him back with the power of mixed signals and blue balling!"

The six player X-Men arcade game was at both the boardwalk where my family went to the beach and at our closest bowling alley, so it was probably the arcade cabinet I played the most.

Damn it, Dale…

Starring Dennis Reynolds and Mac.

*Garak ruthlessly fucks up the Enterprise D. The rest of the DS9 crew has soul searching conversations wondering if they can deal with compromising their values so egregiously, decide they can live with it.*

Riker will use his over acting in community theater productions power!

LETO JOKER: I'm mailing you all dildos!

It was super violent but the point wasn't "if super heroes exist, wouldn't they act just like celebrities?!" it was "wouldn't trying to be perfect and smile all the time while people are grumbling and complaining about you and snarking about you behind your back, and you can hear everything they say about you, drive