Good point. Ra's always just sat around while his followers killed each other in front of him. Whenever we say the League, they were just getting killed by each other or their bosses in training sessions.
Good point. Ra's always just sat around while his followers killed each other in front of him. Whenever we say the League, they were just getting killed by each other or their bosses in training sessions.
*two storm troopers just stop and turn around rather than walk into a Kylo Ren tantrum*
Just like James Bond killing Sophie Marceau in the best part of a terrible movie.
It is such a meh, poorly paced story, I also asked myself "Have we seen that before?" I tend to zone out during the flashbacks.
Malcolm straight up called Hive an 'evil organization' in front of the members. Barrowman and McDonough are just delightfully hamming it up together.
Assault on Coffee Shop 13
The two best decisions with presenting Cap on screen are
Hawkeye: (walks up and rubs Cap's shoulders) Heeey Avenger.
And now Bendis retconned it so that the Starks adopted Tony, even though he looks exactly like Howard and has for decades. Just a total coincidence there.
"WHY AM I PERSECUTED?!!!" - Daniel Day-Lewis
I've seen people here on the AV Club argue that the horror story narrative is essentially conservative; they center around outsiders, the nonconforming, the unusual and other, but they are a destructive, dangerous force that needs to be destroyed so that order can be restored.
It's a good movie for kids to watch on Halloween, if that's something you are looking for. Scary without being too scary, funny, nice atmosphere.
I know a disproportionate amount of women who's first crush was "the cat from Hocus Pocus in his human form."
We're gonna rip a rap, a rippity rap rap, a rip rop rippitty roo!
Aw, go back to Coney Island!
I mean, all rabbits die horribly, when you get down to it.
The Gang Beats Grodd.
Iris West is Gun Girl! With the power to use any kind of gun!