Dumbledore Calrissian

This reminds me the kind of screen writing that had Electro becoming a super villain because no one remembered his birthday.

….never mind.

Mr. Big Britches Hollywood decided he was too good to costar with Alex Winter, and that's why we never got Bill and Ted 3.

Judging by that picture, the part of the homes she's wrecking is the bathroom.


Both owned by Univision, maybe?

I'm trying to think if there have been any other examples of Native American characters in media that have been that real, funny, flawed, and likeable, and I can only think of John Redcorn (and Ken Hotate, also played by Jonathan Joss).

Fucking China, man……

She doesn't have a tattoo telling us where her nose is.

It's up there with Zach Snyder's take on Superman in the category of fundamentally misunderstanding the tone and appeal of the characters.

Do you like Rob Zombie movies? He's basically just doing a remake of this movie every time. Dirty rednecks yelling at each other the whole time, is what I am getting at.

She is Kirk and Spock's mpreg baby.

So? They're aliens. We don't know what their reproductive deal is. Check your Earthling privilege.

Just use the Star Wars song we did at summer camp;

I think she is the Rani!

There was a headline in the Post that read "Your Body Doesn't Need Help Getting Rid of Toxins" to which me and presumably most people responded with a resounding "duh."

I was listening to a podcast, where they were speculating on how awful it must be to be Jared Leto's assistant and that "He seems to be under the impression that the Joker is some kind of demented mailman."

TV Writers Hate Her!

I was expecting a Kevin Costner joke, but Kimmy and Jacqueline bonding over their attraction to cartoon fox Robin Hood was even funnier.