
seax… I'm really curious what site this is now. I work on a similar site all day and I'm a little surprised to see that anyone else from this weird deal obsessed world would hang around the AV Club.

Come on Dormammu, everyone knows Urkel was the height of sexual appeal in his day. This trend would only lead to MORE teen pregnancy.

I'm Batman.

She's not gay, she just has big hands.

The secret ingredient is phone.

Ahhhh! He got me again!

Damn, Jorge…. sold. I'm gonna look that up right now.

This waffle has way too much syrup on it.

I will not stand for a lesser Baldwin being substituted in this role!

As someone who actually lived in a city in Japan that is no longer there and know people now lost in this tragedy: the only shame necessary here is Gottfried's about the shitty jokes he told. It's not offensive, just lazy. And I see nothing wrong with him being fired for his own stupidity, as many have already said.

I'd stay to make jokes, but I'm going to be late for my Buseyse exam. The teacher will rip out my endocrine system if I'm late.

Just please don't tell me the party was in his pants.

Your username would indicate you're not nearly the amazing lover Roland is made out to be in the books.

Same here, Castro. I figured it would be a show about crime scene investigation, which is far too long for a show title. This is the most logical way to abbreviate it.

Is it possible that their offer of a job for him was some death induced "walk into the light" moment? By refusing to join the biggest band in the world he could have turned away from the light of heaven and come back to us here on Earth.

Just because the AV Club tells you to do something doesn't make it wrong. I was told I shouldn't let myself be swayed by the AV Club nerds when I refused to read Twilight some years ago. I still do not regret throwing my lot in with this site over that book.

Anyone who remembers that party wasn't really there, am I right?

Lil Jon?

Here Alton Brown was attributing his weight loss to healthy eating and exercise, but it was coke all along.

I tried to take away from Idiocracy that I need to have lots of babies fast to help balance the number of stupid people breeding. I don't really want to have my retirement party at Buttfuckers.