Texas Sexact

So it's a normal day for you.

Hell, I have to wear glasses all the time, and it's already in 3-D.  Big whoop.  Gotta tell ya, it's no fun wearing those movie specs over the ones I already have.

Yeah, I always pictured McConnell as some sort of weird Dr. Moreau-style hybrid of a turtle and a turkey.

I also like the duel between Obi Wan and Grievous. 

The sports talking heads are all worthless, especially now with the internet, where you'll know exactly everything they know and can form your own damn opinion.

I think gay is too on the nose. I was always under the impression that he had average good looks and they made him somewhat androgynous so as to make him look less threatening to the tween girls he was going to be marketed to.

I always got to the point where I could see depths—and sometimes variation within those depths—but I could never see what it was supposed to be. Like I was standing too close to something.

Someone above offered a good thesis: Poppie was wearing Depends so he just let it go. It leaked around the legs and I've thought about adult diapers way too much in the last minute or so.

I saw the episode where Kramer sold his stories to J Peterman well after the show ended, on a rerun, and I was a fanatical viewer while it was on. Yes, it was like finding a gold nugget.

I once saw him put James Iha in a figure four and then punch a cake.

Buckner, if anyone knows what "e" stands for, it should be you.

Sure you can. And it helps you get laid! (per above)

I thought you meant Starchaser; The Legend of Orin, which I could see this movie being somewhat like.

Not sure. I lived there until 2006 (worked at Troester's until before it closed). I didn't get to the bars much after my drinking buddies left. When were you there?

Holy shit! Another Bulldog! BS '99 MA '01

Where did you go to college, wolfman? I went to college about an hour away, in Missouri.

DPA, I now live in Nebraska, and I can tell you that as a child I hated Adam Rich and his dumbfuck Dutch-boy haircut, so I wouldn't have asked her that either.

As a dedicated Fringe watcher, I fell I must say that sometimes shows must do things that make them feel dirty to keep themselves on the air.

Alright, Avatar, I hate you for making me do this, but this was the first picture on Google image search where you could get a "straight"-on view of this guy…

Freeman's name was "General E. Z. Reader."