Texas Sexact

We actually have two student teachers at our small schools who are non-traditional and have been squeezed out of other professions. So, throw them into the hiring pool as well.

I stayed in college after my Bachelor's and got my Master's because everyone I spoke to at the college said that teachers should get Master's before they come out to make themselves more "hireable." I thought it was ridiculous that a teacher needed anything to be hireable because of all the teacher shortages you hear

I asked my dog what sandpaper felt like and he said, "abrasive."

I laughed when he was going through all those "normal" grandma names and then he threw out "Gizmo!"

Re: Watson

Walking up the steps to the lighthouse in Hannibal, MO!

True Gort

It's like the movie "Hot to Trot" if the part of Horsefellow was being played by Biastioc.


Did you just watch Idiocracy? Cause for guys like us it's awesome!

Stop Pissing vis-a-vis the Washbasin



Man, I love me all of those collaborations the country stars used to do. Seven Spanish Angels, Pancho and Lefty, the Highwaymen. Good stuff.

Nice marmot.


Don't use Pfister and DP in the same sentence again. Thanks.

An exploding anvil.

I'm going to be "that guy" and say that with the height it reminded me of Sandy Allen.

Damn, you're right JVS.