Texas Sexact

Skeet Ulrich, a rich man's Johnny Depp.

You would have been first if your car hadn't broken down at the corner of FAIL and FUCK YOU!

He would have to repeal the 22nd Amendment to get elected to a third term. The 21st repealed prohibition. And if he did that he would be EXTRA evil.

I'm going to allow this.

Joel McHale, Jason Segel, Donald Glover, some smart guy.

Jorge—I caught the back episodes on surfthechannel. They may still be there.

You should use your powers for Gould…he apparently could've used you there.



I picture the show creators laughing hysterically as they put together the most nonsensical collection of clips from the next episode.

If Lisa Ling was still on the show, Chinese telephone could be funny.

I coulda swore that said "cold, gay-looking drunk behind it."

Hell, my family had a party line until I was in college (early 90s). there were three families on the same line (including my grandma and and older couple, all of which were horrible gossips). If I wanted to call my grandma, I had to dial "99" and then her number, then pull down the phone hook, and feel the base of

In Soviet Russia, denim diapers degrade you! And your baby.

I watched that video, I still have no idea why it was called "Back to the Future" other than you picked up alarm clocks that were strewn about.

It could be anything now that parents have to pop something in their stupid in-car DVD players going from the grocery store to their house.

To veer this topic, while doing my student teaching in a high school psych class, I had the students write a first-person paper based on a phobia. One of the more squirrely kids picked alektrophobia (fear of chickens). By the time in the paper he was describing a dream sequence and used the phrase "that cock shoved

To save them travel money, they could meet in Nashville and write a song about the Predators.

I dunno, buy a better phone? Or schedule an appointment with a professional photographer.

I was watching on a computer while also tracking a baseball game on the television, and I could still tell she knew who that guy was after about 3 seconds…culminating in her recognition as it came back from commercial.