Texas Sexact

There are enough pre-Halloween events in my hometown (the zoo, my son's great-grandmother's retirement home, etc.) that my son and I can score a boatload of candy, keep some for ourselves, and give out what we don't like on Halloween night. We keep the Tootsie Rolls and Snickers, but are willing to give out anything

Not ashamed to admit that I thoroughly enjoyed his Bad News Bears.

Yeah, my son is 4 1/2. We watched The Clone Wars in the spring, then I showed him the hatcheted order of the movies (4, 5, 2, 3, 6) with Ep 1 sometime afterward (I didn't have it on DVD). Since Anakin was his favorite in Clone Wars, he was pretty floored by the reveal at the end of Empire. Although he was actually

My buddy and I used to say that maybe Bothans died whenever anything big happened, so much so it became an expression, like "Does a bear shit in the woods"

"We can do a little better on the creatine."

I've finished 3 novels. Self-published the first one (the third is a sequel to that one) and I'm submitting the other two to agents. I thought that having an online presence (high ratings on Amazon) would help but nothing yet. Guess I'll keep teaching. Currently plotting a teen/sci-fi series that I may begin in

I have a real job (HS teacher) and I've written 3 manuscripts, one of which I self published. Although it ranked fairly high in sales upon its Kindle release (#2 is sports fiction behind John Grisham) It made a very small amount of money for me because I didn't want to pay Amazon to do a bunch of marketing for me.

It's fun to try to spot all the re-cast family members in the background of "Scandalmakers."  I remember Buster (when Tobias returns to the BK) and Annyong (when Lindsay goes to Dave Attell's trailer).

It's fun to try to spot all the re-cast family members in the background of "Scandalmakers."  I remember Buster (when Tobias returns to the BK) and Annyong (when Lindsay goes to Dave Attell's trailer).

"It's called a 'mayonegg'."

"It's called a 'mayonegg'."

I'm staying home watching my 3-month-old son this summer, and I just watched S4 in two days.  You're in for quite a ride, @avclub-131799f66a96ee034181e8a54b4c0b49:disqus . I wasn't sure how they could follow up S3, but…wow.

I'm staying home watching my 3-month-old son this summer, and I just watched S4 in two days.  You're in for quite a ride, @avclub-131799f66a96ee034181e8a54b4c0b49:disqus . I wasn't sure how they could follow up S3, but…wow.

O'Neal sure has some purty hands!

I was more struck by how blase Peter came up with that theory.  There wasn't any sort of dramatic music to accompany it, so at first I didn't take it as seriously as I should have.

I wondered that too, then thought that maybe the other events were the same distance along that spiral, either an equal distance or an equal proportion. 

This episode had a few moments that made me smile (Walter's insistence on the name of the harness, Peter's frustration and disgust with the time skips, Walter's frustration with the others trying to find a pattern in the map) but this ep made me happy because the use of the Faraday harness reminded me of White Tulip,

Failed number twosies. 

Based on the captioning, I think it's some random coach who didn't make it to the Super Bowl.  If only the penalties were that harsh…

I, too, use this line as much as I can.