Texas Sexact

But seriously if he was Henry 30 that would be all kinds of awesome with that poster.

I just like how they put "Henry 8" because they feel no one would know roman numerals.

The "Lost" Ben Linus Abuse Drinking game
What do you have to do for an oar to the head? Waterfall?

A helicopter takes off from the island as it erupts in pixelated explosions in the background. Roll those Konami credits.

"I swear to god I'll call Walla Walla right now!"


They stopped and had a wonderful breakfast of biscuits and possum gravy at the Stratford.

Denby, that just killed me.

It makes me want to watch "Can't Buy Me Love."

I'm sure you can still feel the sound vibrations on your skin, so…better break out the sandpaper.

They'll get Toby Keith to host!

Hey, you two, get a room! This ain't Craig's List.

I ask them to autograph my copy of "Sarah, Plain and Tall"

Okay, serious question. Is your son part-bird?

Wow, synergy is awesome.

What if bascule were a child bride? Huh? What would you do then?

::Runs in panting::

Yeah, you should see the attachments for the colonoscopy level…yikes.

House in decline…
I think I'm losing the love for this show. For about 3 solid seasons, I wouldn't miss it. But now I could really take it or leave it. I think that I let it get away with more low quality episodes than I would many others, but is that because of the goodwill it built up in the early seasons or the

She read the script! Duh!