
No, don't thank them. Thank the earth's gravitational pull.
Also, evil.

"Wow, Lisa, looking at you makes me want to get married for a third time. I met a really nice 
exotic dancer the other night at Hugh's bachelor party."
"Hugh didn't have a bachelor party."
"We had one in his honor."

And don't forget, botulism IS steak and kidney pie.

Oho, an English boy, huh? You know, we saved your ass in World War II. 
Yeah, well, we saved your arse in World War III.

It's not you Erik, I just don't plan on ever reading any of your reviews

Partial credit!

They've yet to roll out the steel wheelchairs though

Isn't it a foofaraw?

Now turn to the next problem. If you have three Pepsi's and drink one, how much more 
refreshed are you? You, the redhead in the Chicago school system?

Memorable one shot character of the week: Uncle Eldred

I think that's especially true of a city that has Krusty the Clown as its premier character actor

A part of us all, A part of us all, A part of us all…

@avclub-da2cfbc3287da0f4f985aa7350b8831b:disqus He does have a haircut you can set your watch to.

@avclub-8ff9efcd01697a614ccb01922bbea1b3:disqus You truly are the kings of kings!

Oh, I thought they were playing `The Rocky Horror Picture Show' tonight

*Sting of 'Seinfeld' music*

*Falls off bar*
"Ow, my back!"


But is my upper lip supposed to bleed like this?

Flanders to God, Flanders to God, get off your cloud and save my Todd!