
@tragically ludicrous not ludic is Grounded! We had that lightswitch installed so that you can turn the lights on and off, not throw lightswitch raves!

Won't you take a riiiiide in my big red balloooooon…

"Oh, herow, Debroah, Simone, THE INTERNET! I'm what you might call, Homestar Runner! Yaaaaaaaaaa….!"
Well I'm going to be listening to this all day.

Go raibh maith agat! (hic)

Here here! (hic)

Happy Thanksgiving to all the AVC Commentariat! As for me, well, It's a cold Irish Wednesday night, I'm wading through a six-pack of Grolsch, and this is probably the high point of my night.

The fact that I laughed at that hysterically is probably a sign of how drunk I already am (And I'm not even american)

"Hot dogs. Armor Hot Dogs…"

Hey, we did it all the time back in the thirties…

Judging from the Nudisqus systems on other websites, probably not, but it's not like I want Facebook near any of my shit

I used to have this feeling too. I mean, I still thought it was great, but the 'future' plot device seemed a bit contrived compared to the episodes surrounding it. Also, they (RTE) always used to show this episode alongside season 9 or 10 when I was young.

What great men he would join. John Marshall, Charles Evans Hughes, 
Warren Burgher. Mmmmmmm… Burgher…

Hey, they're playing the hoverboard song!
I love that song. Reminds me of hoverboards.

@avclub-dc955b7f2360f5ac6560ddd8272f6800:disqus I was referring to Charles Kelly, but of course now that I've explained it it's totally unfunny, or something

Not quite perished, @avclub-73a4d70cada5371fee3780daa40261f7:disqus , although some days I wish I
(Plays A Fifth Of Beethoven)

"Soy Pop" (Now with Gag Suppressant)

I knew that was coming and yet, it's just brilliant. Also completely ad-libbed!


…I'm guessing he's white and middle class

*Cries, head shorts out and melts*