
Thank you sir, may I have another?

Who holds back the electric car?
Who makes Steve Guttenberg a star?
We Do! We Do!


Hey, isn't this a lot like The Unblinking Eye? And exactly like the wreck of the Hesperus?

Will have to correct you on that (sorry). It was actually the 'Idleness' episode of series I in 2011 (Which then somehow made it onto the iplayer and youtube despite all). Just The Job is just a forgotten episode. ApathyMonger is completely right and brilliant!

Think of it this way (From someone who won't waste money on it anyway)

And now the final ordeal: The Paddling of The Swollen Ass…WITH PADDLES!

Oh, ok, have it your own way, Marge. I'll be back in a minute.

Oh wait 'till you hear about 'The Crystal Ship'. All is not as it seems..

Isn't it strange that there's no sign of Heisenberg 'round here?
Must be 'on a trip to Belize…'

I like to think she had standards

All these puns are filling my throat with Flem, thank you

Oh, I dunno..never mind..

Love the sound of Smithers' painful groan turning to interest


Hot stuff coming through!

You have 24 hours to give us our money. And to show you we're serious, you have 12 hours

I'm sorry I can't put it more humourously but I just want to second everything you said. This episode simply does not get enough respect

Or 6.620689655172413793 Gaelic Football fields. The REAL football

Oh, i'll go!