
40 rods?

What is it with The Simpsons and Prince of Tides? It's not like it's 'Citizen Kane' or anything like that

Don't look at me! DON'T LOOK AT MEEEEEEEEEE!

What was her problem

We need a pilot pronto!. Who wants to fly to the Windy City?
Yeah, Yeah…
Conditions are a little windy…
Err.. no..

"The Girl on the Oatmeal Box?"

(Obligatory comment noting the irony, or othewise, of the 'teenage wasteland' line)

Pat Benetar, The Scorpions, the list goes on!

I can see people's problems with it. Marge episodes can never reach the exhilarating highs if only because of the understatedness of the character herself. And the 'Homer is afraid of losing her wife' story was already a bit hackneyed.

When i grow up, i'm going to the Correspondence College of Tampa!

Come on!

Number one, I know how to ride a bike. Number two, I already own a bike. And
number three, 'that' is a girl's bike.

It was obviously the Rand Corporation who was behind it, that's for sure

Seconded. I do not to be reminded again that the episodes 'The Saga of Carl' and 'Dangers on a Train' exist

Based on running all your previous comments through my Colossus supercomputer and using my special algorithm I can quantify you never actually had sex ''corrects nerd glasses''

…I will

He is EXACTLY the sort of person who wears a 'Genius At Work' T-shirt

Best part: bart's nod and lisa's sigh at being acknowledged

Forfty% for me..

I'll take that turnip juice, thank you very much