
One billion! Well Groening does need another gummi Venus de Milo…


The Hunger Games 2: Second Helpings

What! Not even the slice of canteloupe at the end?

3. Capitalism!

He can save the world from zombies, revolutionise baseball, commit three daring heists, but can he put together a Lack table in ten minutes?

Because he says "Bee" and there's a picture of a bee on it! No wait…

This is definitely now going to be the most popular concert in Ireland since "Jurassic Park: The Musical"

This is embarrassing enough for an Irishman like myself, but it looks like those dresses have been lifted straight out of 1959

In my case, it's RTE's current refusal to believe that the first ten seasons of the Simpsons ever existed that's finally driven me off it.

Can I come too?..

Love that song. Reminds me of elephants

I swear that "And a hotplate!" was the most quoted Simpsons line in my house for about four years. Oh the naivety of it all!

Who needs the Kwki-i-Mart? Now here’s the
tricky part. Oh won’t you rhyme with me?…

Cos his name can be said by anyon-OH, MAX POWER!

Sidewalk's for regular walkin', not for fancy walkin'!

"Agent Wesson, Department of Labor. This man is an illegal alien!"
"That's preposterous. Zutroy here is as American as apple pie."
"Tocnikrabda, mistah Boons."

Oh, sorry Marge, wrong tape (click)

"Marge Simpson was charged with a violation of penal code
section 618A: Wanton Destruction of Precious Antique Cans.
She was ordered to pay fifty cents to replace the cans, and
$2000 in punitive damages and mental anguish."

Heh heh heh, I can see why this is so popular!