
It will really be interesting to see what NBC does in 2016 when there is only a small time difference, meaning they could adjust "prime time" to actually cover live events. I imagine this is what they'll do, but I'm curious to see how they work it and how commentary and coverage will change.

I'm watching the men's free live right now (thanks also to snow), and Johnny Weir and Tara Lipinski are way better—more technical, less biased, less insistent on story/drama—than the evening commentators, imo. They call people out on technique, and it's far more informative and helpful for someone who knows relatively

I'm not going to say that all this "boss" and "loud" criticism is sexist, but I am thinking it. I hope no one has any double standards!

@avclub-da496e2db2e50a068b4ae5549d4ae1b0:disqus No, I believe the point of a review is to assess the execution of the show and discuss its meaning and import. The question should be "Is this in character for Lorelai" not "Am I as a person able to write my values onto this character and still like her?"

I totally agree. What the fuck is up with this "sex-positive" thing? What parent in her right mind wants her high schooler to have sex? Sex positive is all well and good until things go…negative, which, when you're dealing with immature teenagers is quite likely to happen.I guess Lorelai's reaction should have been

I'm sorry, but are we really suggesting that this is the first time someone "evil" or "demonic" has also had qualities that inspire empathy?

1. Is the implication that movies should not be made about people living in insular first-world bubbles? So, we're completely rejecting realism as a valid artistic mode, then?

"You think you know Wheat Thins? Fuck you."

Can't we all just agree that there was no best part of King of Queens and hang our heads in shame for bringing it up at all?

Yeah, the misuse of Twitch made me sad. That routine was a dud.

Nobody called those "brave."

Really agree on the Skyler points. The main problem I have with the "Skyler makes everything about her case" is that the people who say this usually fail to point out Walt's massively blinding hubris and how he makes everything all about him in a much more severe and…uh, problematic…way. WTF.

Please. The internet needs to stop using the word "brave." There's nothing brave about posting a contrary opinion. It's an exercise in self-gratification.

I'm re-watching as much as I can before the premiere Sunday, and one thing that really stands out is the "faking" all the characters do. Hank fakes his hard, tough exterior at work and with family, Walt fakes…everything, even changing the tone of his voice when with his family, Jesse fakes confidence and breeziness

Great question. Let me go over the past five seasons for you…

Just re-watched that episode. It's unclear what exactly happened, but in the scene with him and Gretchen at the restaurant she repeatedly says "You left," and mentions that one day she found him packing upstairs, he walked out, and that was it. So, they were in a relationship, something nondescript went wrong, and it

I actually DO agree with this view of the show. I recently went back to the first season, and Walt is always a miserable man. Sure he's kind and meek and polite, but he is not HAPPY to be these things (not that he should be, but some people are). He is always sad, and he carries a remarkable amount of resentment with

The poker episode is a classic and probably the best Ross-Rachel episode—one that, as Joe points out, actually makes you want to see them together. Also, it's funny and a great overall "friends" builder, as we get to see all the characters together.

Okay, I'm not getting all this Ross stuff. A guy pining for a woman and being kind of foolish and wimpy about it…it happens all the time. I've seen it happen many times. Joe's and other commenters' incessant irritation with his lack of action strikes me as very odd. Do you hate these types of people in real life, too?

My third-grade teacher showed this movie in class after we read the book. This was a mistake that got her in some fairly major trouble with the school board. So many frightened children.