
Clearly you're not in DC now, or you would know that our new, off-the-grid Cathedral Heights metro station is precisely designed for committing the perfect murder. And, also, drum solos.

The differences between Frank's monologue and DD's monologues are as follows:

"The primetime side is incredibly jarring after the live rounds."


I know I'm super late to the Kwan love-fest, but I just wanted to tell you that in high school (1998) I had a teacher who, while some other girls in class were gushing about Lipinski and her win, looked at me and said, "I bet you're with me. You're a Michelle Kwan fan. I can tell. You know Tara doesn't hold a candle

Agree totally totally. I was prepared to despise her commentary because I hold a mean skating grudge.

Oh, and their headware accesorization is unparalleled.
(What I mean is, they wear fancy shit on their heads.)

They are not, but they should be. From yesterday's J. Weir commentary:
"I feature a red glove."
"We were in need of some plumage."
"Oh, no, I do not feature a sweater vest."
But aside from the entertainment value, he and Tara Lipinski A) provide way more information and technical expertise than the evening people do

"Whaaaaat? Holy fuck!" (My reaction.) I do feel bad for you well-watched, well-read people. I am ignorant about things surrounding this show, and I did not see it coming. It's been a while since I've been legitimately shocked like that. Felt good.

I fucking loved that last scene! I haven't been that downright GLEEFUL watching something in a long time. Pure fun.

I do understand and appreciate your point, and I'm certainly not denying that there has been and IS unfairness (the cookie cutter, "dainty" female performances are evidence of this pressure). I'm only suggesting that A) this is due to human error, and not any specific code that is written down in the rules, and B)

I fundamentally disagree. First of all, I picked snowboarding because it is also a judged sport. People are awarded scores based on performance. You could also pick ariel skiing.

This is seriously troubling, and I don't understand this notion about gender. It may be true that the gender divide in this sport is antiquated, and I'm willing to think about that for sure. However, the solution to this is not to resort to a "men must be men and women be women" mentality. That is some seriously weird

No, you're right. You can't use lyrics. They can take a point deduction for it. The commentators were saying he just decided he didn't care (much like Surya Bonaly and her badass back flip). However, for whatever reason, they also noted that the judges did NOT take a deduction from him.

Correct me if I'm wrong, but I believe they also used to have a night off between short and long competitions.

Not really. The first round people were pretty noticeably sub-par. The commentators' comments basically amounted to, "That was pretty bad, but it was nice of him to try" (which was actually quite entertaining if you're not a nice person, like me).

The long program was really a let-down. I watched it live, and I J. Weir and T. Lip literally said "No one showed up" and suggested that no one was acting like it was the Olympics, which I think summed it up. I mean, I get that sometimes you fail, but there was also an overall lack of emotion from the skaters and in

Same here.

Did anyone see Misha Ge's free program today? That was pure entertainment. Doubt it will make prime time, but it's worth looking up.

But I remember nothing!