
If by "old-fashioned," you mean term people still use all the time.

That's awfully kind of you. I just assume that anyone who doesn't know that venereal disease = STD is not too quick.

But isn't that a good reason not to come out with this "new" project? Seriously, enough. It's not that they're "covering" something, it's that they will do it badly. The next modern cover of Shakespeare has to use some fresh, beautiful, modern language. That's my rule.

Ugh, indeed. This is not a form of progress, people. Besides, Anne Tyler already "re-made" King Lear in novel form, and it was fucking terrible.

I found myself getting drawn in this week; this is a very uncomfortable position for me. It's like dating an ex who looked good at first, but then turned out to be a really stupid jackass. And now he's back, and he looks good again, like he really changed. But you're just waiting for the stupid jackass to show up.

Oh my god, I just stopped in here on a whim and read some of the previous columns (slow day, okay?) and I do not understand this Jess hating. You people who hate Jess, did you also hate, say, Shawn on Boy Meets World and Tim Riggins on Friday Night Lights? That is to say, do you hate all adolescent boys with spark,

Yeah, WTF was up with those cows? Why were there cow skeletons AND a live cow all piled in the same place? Is someone dumping their cows there? I'm sorry, I'm just really unfamiliar with livestock practices and decomposition rates, I guess.

Well, sure, maybe, I guess.

Yes, sure, every awful thing has supporters. Chris Brown, though, seems to gain supporters the more he is awful. Moreover, his supporters are mainstream and—largely, disturbingly—young. Finally, it's different than supporting an abstract philosophy or even a "normal" domestic abuser. Chris Brown has repeatedly acted

Totally agree. In a recent "For Your Consideration" piece, I believe Todd referred to this set-up as an example of how mass-releasing shows like this won't change critics' reviews or the conversation around the shows. I would look to this pretty dead weekly thread as an example of how it WILL change. I too have

"Oh Well" is the best of songs.

I actually found her to be most relatable, interesting, and likeable in that scene. I know this is going to sound  odd, but the kind of idolatry that he was expressing—this weird adoration based on her femininity more than her actual character or personality—is actually very, very demeaning. It feels disempowering

I really liked that Claire scene/explanation. It is a unique-for-TV but very real character trait. Actually, that was probably my favorite development in the series thus far, which is mainly just meh.

I think that this comes down to a life philosophy, really. I DON'T think the world is "full of men and women who navigate complicated friendships and find their way to happiness within those friendships." My world has been full of male-female friendships that do ultimately break in one direction or the other (shipping

Also, Lost is nothing. If you appointment-viewed the first season of The Killing like an idiot (like me), then you'd really have something to complain about.

The shift in mindset is what I think concerns me. I was recently discussing with my students the nature of podcasting lectures (and learning that way…at home, in your pjs, at your own convenience, stopping and starting whenever) versus in-class experiences. One of the students hit the nail on the head, I think, when

But that's the point! It is GOOD to be able to get worked up like that. It means you're more invested when you watch episodically than when you mass consume.

I just…what? I did not know that was a thing. On what is this based? I mean, I know, stupid question, but what do they think these people DO have? Just…a death wish, or something?

I just…what? I did not know that was a thing. On what is this based? I mean, I know, stupid question, but what do they think these people DO have? Just…a death wish, or something?

Oh, yeah, I wasn't trying to say that it was bad or anything. I can't remember all the details of it, but it was pretty well done, I think. I liked the tension around the conversation Carrie had with…was it Aiden? It rang realistic in that element. I also liked that at least two of the women (Carrie and Samantha) have