
Oh, yeah, I wasn't trying to say that it was bad or anything. I can't remember all the details of it, but it was pretty well done, I think. I liked the tension around the conversation Carrie had with…was it Aiden? It rang realistic in that element. I also liked that at least two of the women (Carrie and Samantha) have

I may be shunned for even mentioning this, but before Sex and the City reached the height of glitterdom, there was an episode—I think where Miranda is pregnant and thus considering abortion—where Carrie tells her boyfriend about having had an abortion in the past. She's worried about how he'll respond, which is a

I may be shunned for even mentioning this, but before Sex and the City reached the height of glitterdom, there was an episode—I think where Miranda is pregnant and thus considering abortion—where Carrie tells her boyfriend about having had an abortion in the past. She's worried about how he'll respond, which is a

When NBC announced Ohio and the election, they cut to Chicago, and somebody had picked "How You Like Me Now?" to play at their little shindig. And I was all, fuck yeah.

When NBC announced Ohio and the election, they cut to Chicago, and somebody had picked "How You Like Me Now?" to play at their little shindig. And I was all, fuck yeah.

Thank you. This is the kind of trenchant analysis I can always count on at the AV Club.

Thank you. This is the kind of trenchant analysis I can always count on at the AV Club.

First of all, Americans have, throughout history, been very, very squeamish about issues of class. The founders of the nation imagined a kind of classless society, without the strong socio-economic divides of England, even as they managed to completely ignore their own positions of privelege. Many of the students I

First of all, Americans have, throughout history, been very, very squeamish about issues of class. The founders of the nation imagined a kind of classless society, without the strong socio-economic divides of England, even as they managed to completely ignore their own positions of privelege. Many of the students I

See, I like a good incestual "will they/won't they" comedy.

See, I like a good incestual "will they/won't they" comedy.

So…I'm the only one who thought this was unfunny and that every character was annoying as hell?

So…I'm the only one who thought this was unfunny and that every character was annoying as hell?

Are all the comments going to be about women's appearance from now on? Awesome.

Are all the comments going to be about women's appearance from now on? Awesome.

Yeah, EMP! I couldn't think of what it was called. I didn't know it was a Newt Gingrich thing, but I knew she was getting it from somewhere.

Yeah, EMP! I couldn't think of what it was called. I didn't know it was a Newt Gingrich thing, but I knew she was getting it from somewhere.

I made it through half, or more accurately, it was on while I did other stuff. God, it was awful. The acting was terrible, the idea was ridiculous, and the characters were as cliched as they come.
On a side note, why is it that every mother of an adult TV female is: overbearing, marriage-obsessed, and wryly critical,

I made it through half, or more accurately, it was on while I did other stuff. God, it was awful. The acting was terrible, the idea was ridiculous, and the characters were as cliched as they come.
On a side note, why is it that every mother of an adult TV female is: overbearing, marriage-obsessed, and wryly critical,

I would just like to point out that you don't have to be a lefty enviromentalist to worry about a technological apocalypse. My mother is an evangelical right-winger, and she enjoys reading books about how terrorists are going to zap our power systems and we'll all be left to fend for ourselves. This explains, she